
Servicing my 44300 km run Honda Activa 125 for just Rs 2230

The performance & fuel efficiency seems to have improved slightly, post the service.

BHPian BLACNWYTE recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Five years and Fourteenth Service

Blu turned five last October end and as part of my bi-annual service policy, I got Blu serviced January end for Honda ASS (EVM Honda, Kattakkada, Trivandrum).

The SA suggested a carburettor cleaning and low-speed adjustment and I agreed since there was a mild knocking sound at idle and it was not smooth. The pick up was also lagging a bit for the past couple of months. Another thing noticed was the slight leak of gear oil from the case so it was decided to change the gasket and get new bolts for the case. Apart from this the routine works of an engine oil change, gear oil change, brake overhaul, tightening of all bolts and general wash was requested. I also asked them to change the bushes under the sweat as one had already fallen off and the remaining one was on the verge of snapping off.

I got multiple calls in between requesting to change the air filter, clutch shoe and drive belt saying all are damaged. The drive belt was changed only a couple of weeks ago and I was surprised, when asked again they say that it's not a Honda genuine part and as per policy they have to change it. I said politely and firmly that the scoot is over five years old and out of warranty and I don't want to change a perfectly fine component just because it's their policy. I was also told them not to change the air filter and clutch shoe as I was not present there to see if the thing was actually damaged. Will check them later at an FNG.

I got back Blu in the evening with all work done and the only thing that was done extra was sanitization. I took delivery and observed that the horn was not working at certain points. I raised the issue and the mechanic told me that it's because of age and contact points getting worn out. I was surprised that the thing which was working fine in the morning was worn out by evening. I informed them of this and they had no answer. Anyway, it was getting late and I didn't want to spend more time there so I took Blu home. The horn is working, you just need more effort and know which point to press.

Overall service was satisfactory and the performance of Blu has improved over the last 100 km. The pick up is better, idle speed is the way I like and without knocking and fuel efficiency has improved a bit. Keeping fingers crossed for the effects to last till the next service.

Total service cost -Rs - 2229/-

Odometer stand at 44300kms. Some parting shots of the five-year-old.

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