
Oil filter cap of my RE bike not tightened post service

I couldn't immediately notice it since I was riding in heavy rain so all I could feel was a warm sensation on the right side near my legs, typical hot engine feel. Turns out, all the hot engine oil was spewed over my pants and eventually, all the way till my helmet too.

BHPian shyamg28 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I gave my bike for servicing and picked it up yesterday evening. Rode around 25 kms to meet a friend. As I neared the KR Puram underpass to crossover towards Old Madras road from outer ring road, my engine oil cap came flying out. I couldn't immediately notice it since I was riding in heavy rain so all I could feel was a warm sensation on the right side near my legs, typical hot engine feel. Turns out, all the hot engine oil was spewed over my pants and eventually, all the way till my helmet too. And it was pouring late night yesterday. So I'm quite sure there's water entry as well. I had to stop the vehicle and luckily the underpass was nearby so I was able to shield both bike and myself from the rain, but not after riding in rain for at least 5 minutes or so.

Called the SVC in charge and asked him to arrange pick up of the vehicle. They came in an hour on 2 bikes. He mentioned that it could've happened because of not properly tightening the engine oil cap.

Gentlemen, I paid a bill of Rs. 10k. And they forgot to shut an engine oil cap properly!!

So they pushed my bike using the Indian technique, same as when you see someone being supported when out of petrol. SVC says to me "Sir we will fill oil and return it to you". I was shocked even further. I asked him to ensure that there is no water ingress and worse, mud and dirt.

I'm yet to hear from them today. This is RE Jagadamba Automobiles Service Center, Whitefield.

Any advice on how I can hold them accountable and end of the day, ensure that my beloved motorcycle is not damaged, would be much appreciated.

Attaching the bill and some images for reference:

Here;s what BHPian Balaji31582 had to say on the matter:

Sorry to hear that shyam. Please don't spare them. Its not like i am instigating you but we customers don't deserve this kind of treatment. This is one reason I don't want to own an RE again. I had similar experience in 2011 when my TBTS stay bolt got cut after giving it for service, the next day. It happened on an evening near a signal and so I and my wife didn't get into any mishap. I chased them till their higher officials but nothing worth to mention. From there on it was to a local bullet guru I started treating my Thunderbird. Stop giving your bike to local SVC unless it's in warranty period, else particularly for RE, better find a local bullet mechanic who can spend the required time on your ride.

Here's what BHPian bj96 had to say on the matter:

Make them open a job card for this and mention what happened for future records if you have to deal with it later. Meanwhile, if they drain the sump (i assume oil tank is at the bottom like old engine) and refill with clean new oil, it should be fine. To be safer, demand to flush the tank with 3M flush or similar and change the oil filter also.

Exactly, this is the reason my 16 year old Electra didn't ever go back to the RE authorized service station after completing first 3 mandatory free service and it is still running fine w/o any such silly mishaps.

I have learnt to service and fix almost all issues myself with the help of the www and forums like this. No reason to visit the careless mechanics.


Here's what BHPian VijayAnand1 had to say on the matter:

Hard luck shyam. I would like to add, it can be more than what meets the eye. Perhaps, they over tightned, the threads got stripped and for the time being, the cap held in place, and once the crankcase pressure exceeded during operation, the oil filler cap couldn't have handled and have given up, that's perhaps mine and one part of the theory and second one being negligence, there is two way about it, as this isn't a complicated part, all it takes is a few seconds to tighten it.

RE Service centers are mostly overburdened and terribly understaffed still, sadly, irrespective of what they advocate through their roadshow or over the www. Doesn't translate to everyday matters and that's where the RE service is a pain in the posterior. I'd suggest you don't go for scene immediately, acknowledge it as a "rainy day lesson" reopen the job card, irrespective of what, push for an oil replacement, new oil filler cap, and a complete clean and polish of the bike, especially a spic and span job over the engine.

From my experience, RE showrooms don't learn, their incompetency is here to stay as strong as their brandishing, and that's a shame indeed.

Good luck.



Here's what BHPian ashwinprakas had to say on the matter:

This is not acceptable even by 3rd world country standards.

Bring down the fury of Kratos on these imbeciles and ask for nothing less of a full refund, escalate to kingdom come if need be.

I'd request the mods to make this a fresh thread as this is not something that should be left off lightly, what if your motorcycle seized mid overtake? What if the oil spilled on the road and caused yourself or some other unsuspecting soul to wreck? The possibilities are many and this should not be let go with just a slap on the wrist.

As for the motorcycle, drain the oil and change filters, run it on Lal Ghoda which is available for some 190/liter or something, run for 50 kms check oil and run for another 50 kms and change oil and filters, use your usual oil.

Hope that helps.


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