Mahindra has handed over the first unit of the second-generation Thar to Mr. Aakash Minda, winner of the online auction for the very first unit of the new Thar. Mr. Satinder Bajwa, Senior Vice President, Sales and Customer Care, Mahindra, presented the vehicle to Mr. Minda in New Delhi.
Mr. Minda opted for the fully loaded LX Petrol Automatic Transmission Convertible variant of the Thar in the Mystic Copper shade. The vehicle comes with a 'Thar #1' badge, customized badging on the vehicle displaying the owner’s initials "A.M" and serial number '1' on the decorative plate of the dashboard and leatherette seats.
Mr. Minda, CEO of Minda Corporation, won Thar #1 with a bid of Rs. 1.11 crore in the auction, which attracted almost 5,500 bidders from over 500 locations across India.
Mahindra held the online auction to raise funds for COVID-19 relief efforts. The winning bidder had the option to choose from three non-profit organisations, to donate the proceeds of the auction, and he opted for the Swades Foundation. Mahindra matched the winning bid to bring the total donation amount to Rs. 2.22 crore.