
My Honda Unicorn steering lock stopped working on one side

The problem does not happen if I lock with the handlebar turned to the RIGHT side. Then I can lock it normally and it stays locked safely.

Bhpian SkylineGTR recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hello all. The steering lock on my 2012 Honda Unicorn has suddenly stopped locking the steering, only when locking with the handle turned to the left.

Here's how it works. Turn the handlebars to the left and lock it, the key moves normally. But, after taking the key out if I try to rotate the steering, it moves the full range of motion left and right. The motion is not unrestricted; it does feel tighter, like there is something that is trying to stop the steering, but is failing in doing so. The key slit also rotates on its axis slightly and comes in between the 'lock' and the 'off' position.

The problem does not happen if I lock with the handlebar turned to the RIGHT side. Then I can lock it normally and it stays locked safely.

I am not sure why this has happened. However, one month before the problem started, I got the bike service at a local mechanic, after having it parked for one full year during the lockdown. While the mechanic was servicing, he had some dirty (used) engine oil and was using it to oil the footpegs, stand etc. Suddenly he got up and started squirting oil in the lock slit too. I tried stopping him but it was too late, oil had already dripped down the keyhole. Could this be the reason why the lock has started to slip?

I visited the local authorized service centre and they told me I need to get the entire lock replaced and will also change my keys. The whole affair will also cost me a bit.

Is there a better solution? Can putting something like a detergent, WD-40 or a de-greaser(brake cleaner) in the lock help?

Thanks a lot.

Here's what Bhpian vrprabhu had to say on the matter:

Looks like the assembly i.e. steering lock + key / ignition on switch, is not properly seated in the steering column. One side is free (i.e. loose or lost nut?). Or a broken lock guard?

This is a simple D-I-Y.

All you need to is to remove the headlamp assembly and check for the two nuts holding the lock assembly in the steering column is seated correctly.

It can be taken out, cleaned and check for proper functioning and refitted if it is OK.

The locking system is nothing but a small lever which extends from the lock and sits between guards in the steering column preventing the handle being turned.

Check out Bhpian comments for more insights and information

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