
My experience using Tesla Supercharger to charge my Model 3 Performance

Using the 250 kWh DC supercharger, my electric vehicle went from 15 to 65% in roughly 17-18 minutes.

BHPian mobike008 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Super Charging Experience

Yesterday, we reached the supercharger in Surrey, Canada at 10:00 pm. Imagine my surprise, each and every stall was full. We had to wait for 10 minutes to get our turn. Battery was at 15% and I needed juice to reach home. I decided to charge the battery to 65% so it's enough to get home.

15% to 65% : 50% juice was added in roughly 17-18 mins from this 250kwh DC supercharger.

I think that's not a bad pit-stop to re-fuel… err… re-juice the battery. What say?

Overall Cost : $8 Canadian which is $6 USD. Gosh, this is a little worse than "Free".

Look at the stalls. All full.

Enjoying some music videos while we wait.

Supercharging Cost. El Cheapo

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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