
Joined my friend for the Land Rover Driving Experience and loved it

The SUV allocated to us was a top-of-the-line Defender 110 with only a couple of thousand miles on it.

BHPian BlackPearl recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Land Rover Driving Experience, Eastnor Castle

One of my friends, Arijit, had bought a new Land Rover Defender 110 and got a voucher for Land Rover Experience. Land Rover runs quite a few experience centres in the UK. One of the best out of them is the Eastnor Castle. Eastnor Castle shares a proud heritage with Land Rover Experience which has been based on the Eastnor Estate for over 50 years and a valuable relationship still remains in place to this day.

Arijit asked me if I would like to join him for this driving experience and I was elated. So on a fine summer morning, we started from London for Eastnor Castle in Herefordshire situated at the foot of the Malvern Hills on the edge of the Cotswolds. It was going to be a 3-hour journey. While starting the trip I was surprised to be given the option to drive the Defender and I jumped onto the driver’s seat. I cannot remember saying no to driving a car, ever in my life! The journey was uneventful, I was very cautious driving a new car and that too one that is much bigger than what I am used to. Stopped for a short coffee break at one of the service areas and reached Eastnor at 8:30 am.

Arijit's Defender 110

Saw this G4 Range Rover and later found that it belonged to one of the driving instructors.

Saw a 6x6 Defender as well!

We were given some refreshments and after validating our licenses we attended a driver briefing session with our instructor for the day, Adrian.

The car allocated to us was a top-of-the-line Defender 110 with only a couple of thousand miles on it. I will not go into much detail about the capability of the vehicle or the driving experience as there are plenty of articles and videos on the internet from people with much more experience than me. All I can say is that I loved the experience. It is quite costly with half a day course costing more than £300 pounds and a full day costing close to £800 if I am not wrong. I don’t think I would have spent that amount of money from my pocket, but I am chuffed to be able to experience it, thanks to Arijit. It is definitely worth experiencing if one can afford it. It is a fantastic marketing idea to give a voucher for these experiences to Land Rover customers as they can witness what these cars are really capable of.

Posting some photos from the experience.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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