
Hyundai, Audi partner to develop fuel cell technology

Hyundai and Audi have entered into a patent cross-licensing agreement to develop fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) components and technologies. As part of the agreement, both companies will share patent licenses for an undisclosed number of years.

Both carmakers will have mutual access to fuel cell components and will leverage their collective R&D capabilities. Hyundai will share the lessons learned during the development of the ix35 Fuel Cell and the Nexo with its partner. Audi will also gain access to Hyundai's FCEV parts supply chain. Meanwhile, the Hyundai Motor Group plans to strengthen its position in the fuel cell components business. Both brands have also agreed to work together to accelerate the development of fuel cell technologies.

Hyundai Mobis, the FCEV component manufacturer, will expand its production capacity to meet the future requirements of Hyundai and Kia FCEVs. Its plant in Chungju, South Korea currently has a capacity to produce 3,000 powertrain fuel cell complete modules (PFC) per year. These modules consist of fuel stacks, drive motors, power electronic components and hydrogen fuel supply units.

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