
Bangalore has the worst traffic in the world

According to a media report, Bangalore is the most congested city in the world in terms of traffic. The city came first among 425 cities across 57 countries according to a report by TomTom.

Drivers in the city can expect spend an additional 71% of their time stuck in traffic. In 2019, commuters spent on an average, 243 hours in traffic, while driving in peak hours. The highest congestion (103%) was reported on August 20, 2019.

Bangalore-ites spent up to 5 hours a year extra for a 30-minute commute when they left their offices on Friday between 7-8 pm, which were the worst rush hours for the city.

Indian cities like Mumbai, Pune and New Delhi featured in the fourth, fifth and eighth position respectively. Between 2018 to 2019, congestion increased in over 239 cities, while only 63 cities had a small decline in traffic congestion among the cities surveyed.


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