
2035 EV adoption targets are unachievable, say 59% auto experts

There were, however, 11% of those who believed that all EV adoption targets of 2030-2040 were realistic

Last year, both the EU and California announced that they would ban the sale of ICE-powered vehicles from 2035, with only battery-electric vehicles allowed to be sold in the second half of the next decade. However, Germany & Italy recently threatened to block the EU's plan, asking for concessions towards synthetic fuels that could power and keep combustion engines alive well past the 2035 deadline.

Now, according to a joint survey carried out by ABB Robotics & Automotive Manufacturing Solutions, the majority of the respondents doubted whether the switch to EVs was even possible within the timeframe set by the lawmakers. The survey stated that 59% of the auto industry experts thought the mass switch to EVs was unachievable within the regulatory timelines.

The study shows that 26% of the respondents agreed that the single biggest barrier is the lack of charging infrastructure, while 17% of them stated that the high prices of EVs were also a problem.

There were, however, 11% of those who believed that all EV adoption targets of 2030-2040 were realistic, but also 18% who contradicted, claiming the targets would never be met.

The survey is said to have consisted of 600 respondents, most of them auto experts working directly for carmakers, suppliers, engineers & managers employed in the industry.

Source: CarScoops

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