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  • Upgraded from a City to Fortuner

    We were trying to upgrade from a 2006 Honda City and finally zeroed in on the Fortuner 4x2 Diesel MT. It was actually a complex decision as the City is a difficult car to upgrade, it has served us…
  • 2 yrs & 55k on my used Nexon XZA+

    It is after a long time that I am writing nexon completed two years and around 55k kms in my hand. It is a pre owned 2021 nexon XZA+ diesel bought in may 2022, it had clocked 9k kms when…
  • Himalayan; no more buzz & clatter

    I was disappointed on one hand that the engine was so finicky and in such a short time, a major part had to be replaced. Had never faced this in ANY of my vehicles earlier. On the other hand however,…
  • Skoda dealer not refunding booking

    I am considering filing a consumer court complaint against the dealership but before taking that step, I wanted to seek advice or suggestions from the knowledgeable members here. What would be the…
  • AIC24WC: Good or bad move by AI?

    For ICT's fans, you can actually track them to Delhi and note the fancy call-sign - AIC24WC = Air India Champions 24 World Cup
  • More Jimny offers & discounts

    Offers are back again, wonder why cant they price correct permanently and be with it.
  • Bullet UCE 350 air filter juggad

    The air filter compartment of UCE 350 bullets were badly designed. The reason for this is that the UCEs had paper type air filter element and for some reason, the design was in such a way that the…
  • Audi to add ChatGPT; old cars too

    According to reports, German luxury carmaker Audi has confirmed that it will introduce AI software ChatGPT in its current and future models. All models, including the ones going back to 2021, will…
  • How our planes got VT call-signs

    So, in 1928 as the UK had the rights over V they used two or three digit letters starting with V for all their colonies. Australia got VH, India got VT etc. Why H for Australia and T for India is…
  • The thought behind Honda's patent

    They have something big planned! Having been a part of Automotive R&D and IPR teams, this "foot-operated-accelerator for 2-wheeler" seems to be a part of a much larger concept. OEMs like to patent…
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