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  • Offroad Drive : Balpakram Park

    For a long time, I had wanted to visit the Balpakram National Park located in South Garo Hills of Meghalaya. More than the rich flora and fauna, I was interested in visiting the place because of the…
  • Uttarakhand in a BMW 3-Series

    We did a drive around Uttarakhand during the hellish downpour that the state received in early October. Had absolutely no idea of the difficulties we would have because of the inclement weather but…
  • All-India Road-Trip | 28 States

    Visiting every state of this vast country has been a dream we have been nurturing for a decade now. But it always looked too big a task to be put into a plan. During the lock-down 1 when we had nothing…
  • Spectacular Scotland in a Mercedes

    "Lets go to Scotland!!!" I didn't really know the what's and the where's of the place. We knew the "how" of the place, which meant that we planned to drive across Scotland but little else apart from…
  • Help with a Kerala road-trip?

    My parents and me want to go on a roadtrip to Kerala from Mumbai. The dates we can leave are from 15th October and till 30th October is when I have my leaves. I know its late in the day to plan but…
  • Leh & Hanle: Astrophotography Trip

    Recently BAS (Bangalore Astronomy Society) and IIA (Indian Institute of Astrophysics) organized a trip to Hanle, the first dark sky reserve of India. A team of 15 astrophotographers and visual observers…
  • Weekend in a Jungle Lodge...

    We stayed at JLR Sharavathi Adventure Camp near Jog Falls. As with any other JLR property, the location of this place is fantastic! JLR is not known for any luxury facilities and amenities (although…
  • Driven: Himachal Lake Districts

    Having arrived on the old, trusty Kb100, it had rained hard in the afternoon (as is common); and as the storm passed over and the darkened skies began to part, standing on the front porch I was graced…
  • A Tent-Camping Road-Trip!

    Remember the movie 127 hours? Whether or not you're with a group, always inform a friend of family member of your planned route and expected return time. Carry a map and compass and know how to use…
  • Offbeat Ladakh Tour in a Polo GT

    I moved to Manali from Delhi earlier this year and since then I have been planning to cover a lot of the Trans Himalayas on my car. But setting up new work has been taking its time and toll. So we…
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