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  • Kochi to Kolkata for Xmas vacation

    We have been planning a drive to Kolkata for the past few years and it finally materialized. With this, we have driven in 13 states of India.
  • Kutrallam - Thiruchendur Travels

    We had planned for the Nava Kailasam temple trip around a decade ago, during our Divya Desam tour. However, we could not plan this trip earlier as we embarked on completing Divya Desam followed by…
  • Kabini roadtrip in my Tata Safari

    As the summer vacations are about to end this week in Bengaluru, I decided to go on a quick road trip for 2 days. Had already visited Vaishno Devi earlier this month so thought of going to Kabini…
  • Pune to Leh | BMW X3 Expedition

    We embarked on a 17-day journey from Pune to Leh and back, from May 3rd to May 19th, 2024. During this trip, we covered 6,415 kilometres (3,986 miles) of driving - Pune-Indore-Delhi-Jammu-Sonmarg-Leh…
  • Wandering Solo in Vienna, Austria

    I was really thrilled by the tapestry of experiences Vienna has on offer – the opulent palaces, the vibrant coffee houses, the timeless architectures, and the initial thought was to include all…
  • B.R Hills & Kabini in my GLC 300

    While planning the short trip, we decided to go via B.R Hills (K Gudi JLR Camp), mostly for the nice drive and ambience (the only jungle lodges camp within a tiger reserve). Since I was going to take…
  • I did a solo trip to Ladakh!

    Ladakh - Which used to be a part of the Jammu & Kashmir state earlier is now a UT with Leh as its capital. No doubt it is famous for its Snow-clad Himalayan peaks, captivating valleys, wide spread…
  • Tigers & Elephants of Kabini...

    Finally, the said circumstances has allowed me to go wherever I want, so the first place we went was Kabini. Like there was even a question :-) My family has come to accept that when it comes to me,…
  • Good news for Ladakh travellers!

    Good news for all those planning to visit Ladakh this year, especially bikers. Need not carry extra fuel in jerrycans beyond Tangtse. A new petrol pump has opened up at Nyoma.
  • Beautiful Kerala drive in a Honda

    Perhaps, it was the desire to see his WR-V or maybe I just wanted to drive through the green countryside of Kerala, while he was there. Whatever it was, what eventually transpired was a four days…
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