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  • A quick escape to Red Hills, Ooty

    What does one do when the mercury soars in Bangalore and rains play hide and seek? Old timers always said that it normally rains after holi in Bangalore. Rain. It did. In few spots and after that…
  • Bengaluru to Bharatpur - Solo birding trip

    With the Republic day falling on Thursday in 2012, it opened up an opportunity to do some trip by taking the friday off and getting 4 days free. A few tiger reserve options were considered but I knew…
  • A lucky Sunday at Ranthambhore

    For Sariska we used to start in the morning from Jaipur and used to do the afternoon safari and return back to Jaipur by late night. Our numerous trips to Sariska also never yielded any results w.…
  • The Bird and the Rann

    The epic journey starts. This was the first time in my life, I was taking such a long journey on two wheels. I was riding from Pune to Vadodara. I had decided to sleep early and wakeup early. The…
  • Birding at Sattal, Pangoot and Corbett

    My wife and I are avid birdwatchers and I try to take pictures of these birds whenever possible wherever I go with my very old antiquated Nikon D50 and a non stabalized Nikon F4 AFS with a TC. We…
  • A beach close to Kottayam

    So one fine evening, we decided to hang out at the beach and visit the Arthunkal church. It seems Arthunkal to be one of the most important pilgrim sites in Kerala, and would not be fair to talk about…
  • Trip To The Heart Of Incredible India

    I don't know when the travel bug bit me. To be precise the road trip bug. I have always loved driving though not within the nasty city traffic, but open roads and highways always attracted me like…
  • Enfield - Flight - Sub-zero Ice Trek

    The region that we know as Zanskar is situated towards the south-west of Leh and is surrounded by the Himalayan, Zanskar ranges and mountains that border the Zanskar and Kashmir valley. Zanskar…
  • 3 day holiday in Bhigwan

    We had a bit of hesitation about Sholapur road condition since Highway expansion work is ongoing. But all apprehension were laid to rest as the road condition was beyond expectation. From Pune/Hapasar…
  • Searching the State Animal of Chhattisgarh

    Chhattisgarh, though located in Central India, still has regions which are of the most unexplored areas of this country - with amazing natural diversity, unexplored forests, caves, handicrafts and…
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