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  • Waiting for Rains in Kadamane Estate

    We wanted to experience rain. What else can be a better place than the Western ghats in South India to experience it? The nearest place is Sakleshpur. So we headed there chasing rain. The wait was…
  • A journey through Leh & Ladakh

    Ladakh is a land of barren beauty. For those willing to endure the long and trecherous journey, they will experience beauty beyond imagination. What I try to do in the next few posts is to give a…
  • A memorable trip to Los Angeles, Vegas etc

    We planned a 4 day trip to cover three cities in two states of USA. Plan was to do a day in Los Angeles, 2 nights in Las Vegas and a day trip to Death Valley National Park.
  • Cycling to Vaderahalli Lake

    As a part of the Sunday morning ride, we wanted to explore some new places. After googling for a while, found this place Vaderahalli Lake and the pictures looked very inviting. I shared this information…
  • Visiting Maranello, Ferrari's Home

    So, following a 7 day drive in a Skoda Fabia in Austria, the wife and I headed to Italy, and after a short stay at Venice, picked up a Fiat 500 and headed down south. After Bologna, Ferarra, Pisa,…
  • Langkawi Malaysia - A photologue

    This time it was destination Langkawi for the first trip abroad for our little year old daughter. Since the island has been described in the past, I will use this opportunity to just post photos taken…
  • Sach Pass & the Season's first snowfall

    A trip to Sach pass had been on the cards for a long time before it went on to become a reality. The first plan cropped up somewhere in 2010 but had to be dropped due to news of landslides all along…
  • Driving from Kolkata to Delhi

    After 5 years in one organization, I took up a new job in April of 2012. It entailed a transfer from Kolkata to Delhi. The new company gave me 3 weeks' accommodation in Delhi, by which time I finalized…
  • Spiti Drive - Family, Friends, and more

    Parul (my wife) and I love our family holidays. We make it a point that atleast once a year, the three of us, Parul, Aira (our daughter) and I head out from home and enjoy our little vacation together.…
  • Crouching Tiger, Unaware prey, Hunt & Kill

    What is the ultimate prize that one has in their minds when going on a trip to a jungle. A jungle that promises many untold sights and adventures?
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