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  • XUV: East Coast to North East

    "Yes, I am serious" I overheard Mr D say, rather casually. "Oh my Goodness!! The North East!!!???" The animated remark of the good lady could not be classified as "casual" though. It rather startled…
  • 5 brothers go to Leh-Ladakh

    It is not one of the easier trips. Extreme weather condition, snow fall, high altitude, low oxygen, freezing temperature touching upto -25 / -30* c, news of frequent flight cancellation, no proper…
  • Bali: Every mile a memory

    We went for 6 glorious days to Bali. And no, it was not too long/short. It was just perfect. We split the trip into two portions. Two days in the Seminyak, only about a half hour from the Ngurah Rai…
  • Jaipur: Drive to the Pink City

    So we started from Delhi around 7 AM in the morning and reached Jaipur with a couple of breaks en route around 1 PM. The early morning traffic on NH8 was bearable. There is road construction going…
  • Andamans: Simply Irresistible

    There are beach trips and then there is the Andaman trip. Brings to mind a popular slogan “Agar tumne bharat mein Andaman ka beach nahin dekha hain toh beach hi kahan dekha hain.”, and the popular…
  • With Honda in Madhya Pradesh

    This is one of my rare travelogues which begin with a ride to Airport. The first day itinerary was to reach Nagpur by an Indigo flight by evening, get briefed on the plan for coming days and prepare…
  • 11 Royal Enfields on a fun ride

    A brief about ‘Guns on Wheels’, it’s an exclusive Royal Enfield owners group in Kolkata, the group has members from Teambhp as well. The group members regularly ride and ride with a sense of…
  • Roadtrip: Rajaji National Park

    Rajaji National Park is about 5 hours away from Delhi, yet had not been struck off my bucket list for at least 12 years - since the time when I used to work at Rishikesh, a stone's throw away from…
  • Drive to Ellora, Ajanta & Lonar

    Usually I spend the year end break (YEB) at home doing nothing. I am not a '31st' kind and usually stay away from touristy places during peak season. This year though, I decided to make the most…
  • Mandini Valley & Garhwal Hills

    The trip to Mandini Valley was conceptualised on a cold winter night around 5200 mts above sea level with the mercury falling rapidly as me and my guide Umeid sat inside the tent sipping on hot coffii…
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