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  • 3 Wise Men visit Maharashtra

    I and Pramod (Chad) had both put in our papers and had managed to get some free time before our next assignment. We had planned to do a trip to North East for a month but ruled it out due to monsoon…
  • A holiday in Bhutan

    Year end shutdown again and time to get out of house. 2017 was rather a dull year with almost no travel done throughout the year. Partially attributed to the younger one falling ill often & the…
  • The Holkars & Jyotirlingas

    It was December month, time to consume the pending office leaves. The best option was the last week of December with two holidays of Christmas and New year. Luckily son's school was off in the last…
  • B'lore to Vellore & Kanchipuram

    In 2016, I and wife decided to welcome new year from a new place instead of just sulking in our apartment at Bangalore, ogling at the new year celebrations of others. With two kids in tow, if not…
  • Ending the year in Sikkim

    I have a candid confession to make. I have never written a travelogue this quickly. The photographs (uploading process has been super smooth) – they are still okayish, but dear reader, I will admit…
  • Gangtok and Tsomgo Lake

    What does one do when he does not have a project but lots of leaves available? Yes he plans for a vacation. But what if he does not have money? Does he beg, borrow or steal? Thankfully I did not have…
  • A road-trip to Sandakphu

    Back in October last year, during the Durga Puja holidays in Kolkata, we went to Sandakphu. The trip then was short and we did not spend a night at Sandakphu. We did not even get to see the Sleeping…
  • Leh, Nubra Valley & Pangong

    First I thought to write a travelogue, but there are so much written materials on Ladakh on the internet, I thought better to share a snap-story, which is beyond just photos, which is short, crisp,…
  • Kolkata - Delhi in a Dzire AMT

    After repatriating from the Middle East, in June 2016, circumstances made me settle down at Kolkata, whereas my parents are at Delhi (which at one time was my hometown, having lived in Dwarka, Delhi…
  • Maiden trip to Arunachal Pradesh

    Mayudiya, which is famous as abode of clouds and being the nearest place from the plains of Assam where one can experience snowfall (Arial distance is just 22 km, and road distance of 56 km from plains…
Redlining the Indian Automotive Scene