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  • 6 Cars | 6 BHPians | Karnataka

    We chose a circuit that offered a nice mix of driving conditions - fast highways, some lovely hill roads and descending down the Western Ghats and reaching the west coast, a small drive along the…
  • Temple drive in Chozha Country

    Some time back she had given me a bucket list of temples she would like visit which I had marked in GMaps. Now she asked for places from that list for one day trip from Pondy. There were 2 temples…
  • Temple Run to Srisailam, AP

    I was in India during Dec-Jan for vacation. This was a trip after almost 6 years, so bound to be a hectic trip, with a family function and lots of travel. One of the things planned was to visit Srisailam…
  • Winter in Corbett National Park

    Ever since i first read the "Maneaters of Kumaon" by Jim Corbett, i have been fascinated by the Terai region of North India esp the wild cats. While there are other parks in the region like Dudhwa,…
  • Midlife crisis, Marathon & Hunter

    For over 8 months I prepared a lot for the event, I religiously gave up the post dinner sweets, stuck to high protein diet and never munched those mouth watery snacks post game of weekend golf, I…
  • Winter escape to Sikkim in XUV300

    Our plan had a good focus on the silk route. Very well understanding that the extreme weather during 3/4 th week of January definitely could be a major deterrent to the quite ambitious plan. Hence…
  • Transporting car Vs road-trip?

    How does this transportation to a nearest rail head work? Is it feasible - money wise, time wise and of course safety wise. It shouldn’t be that one receives the car with dents and nicks all over…
  • Snow drive to Spiti in a Jimny 4x4

    Now the search started as to which vehicle to rent. I had already rented 4*4 at Chandigarh from RBTS several times and my experience with them was exceptional. So this time I decided to try out Jimny…
  • A Wildlife Safari in Sundarbans

    Since this is the first serious birding and wildlife photography trip for quite a handful of us including myself my sincere request is to pardon the shaky, out of focus, noisy pics of amateur while…
  • Nagpur to Pune via Samruddhi

    This modern expressway is supposed to provide a smooth, fun and scenic views, cutting across diverse landscapes and connecting several important cities and attractions on the way to Mumbai. Interestingly…
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