BHPian Abhijyth.K.A recently shared this with other enthusiasts.
Had recently completed a trip to Pondicherry with my friend. Was a fantastic experience. Made an entire thread on it. Do give it a read if you haven't!
While returning, the bike had just ticked over 40k kilometres and was due for a service. The last service was at 35k when I bought her. So that was 5000 kilometres of ownership so far. And boy, were those such joyful times!
So I rode over to my mechanic to get her serviced. Also asked him to check the electricals as that was what failed during the trip. He completed the job over the weekend (Basic service includes a water wash, transmission oil change, carb clean, air filter clean or replacement, spark plug clean or replacement, silencer clean, chain lubrication and tightening, plus some work on the brakes).
The rear brake pedal had become soggy and sticky, requiring me to use my heel to lift it back up after every braking episode. Noticeable frustrating. Mechanic sorted that out during the service and did a fantastic job, creating a new spring system that he assured would last for a long long time. So far, that has been true. Will write about that in detail later. May be useful to some of you.
As for the electricals, he told me it was a faulty RR Unit (The Regulator Rectifier). He had already charged the battery for me and told me to replace the RR Unit as fast as possible. I thought I'll do it at a later date as I was on a very tight budget and use my bike primarily in the daytime, anyways.
Then lo and behold, something amazing happened. I was on my daily commute to college when out of nowhere, suddenly the horn started working. Then, I flicked on the light switch and found that was working too! It just seemed to have fixed itself and still works to this day. What a relief, not mentioning how hilarious this entire ordeal has turned out to be!
But that wasn’t the only surprise. After the service, all the eagerness had come back. She became way more responsive than she was before and that was very refreshing indeed. In many ways, it did remind me of how she was after the first service she got after I bought her. That’s the importance of servicing at timely intervals. Though many of these old 2 strokes have had a rough life without seeing services for long periods, they still run like a charm.
However, once we are in the know, we also know never to neglect our machines. That’s the only way to make them last a lifetime, which at the end of the day, is what some of us truly desire!
Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.
BHPian Abhijyth.K.A recently shared this with other enthusiasts.
Time to update the thread as it's been a while!
One of the reasons I got the matching tank cover made along with the seat was that I felt something was "missing" in terms of aesthetics. Well, it was those stickers on the tank & side panels which are a bit of a styling disaster coupled with the coffee brown seats. I knew it all along, but kept them anyways. That is, until now.
So I got to work at once. I sat down one evening with my blowdryer in hand and removed the stickers slowly. It's a straightforward job, but can take time if your stickers are particularly old and chip off. Just put the dryer on high heat, aim it at a corner, hold, then slowly peel away the stickee, heating the sticker whenever it starts becoming aggressive. And this was the result.
The plain tank vibes much better with the overall classic look I was aiming for. Had kept the side panels removed for a while as the seat's bushings had vanished into thin air and the seat caused some damage to the panels.
This is how I rode my bike for a while since. Including during my trip to Pondicherry with my friend. (Had already opened a thread for it, but will update some more details regarding that here soon. Let's now just focus on the things I have done with the aesthetics since.)
Then, I thought it was time for a change. So I went and got myself a seat rubber kit that comes in a neat little packet and worked on it. Bratty Biker's YouTube video on the same was extremely helpful, so I thought it deserved a mention!
But I thought, why not go all the way and do a little stripdown cleanup? So that's what I did. Removed the seat (A very simple system. Two bolts at the back and it slides out easily after releasing it from the slot in the chassis at the front near the tank).
Then, I removed the tank too. Again, very simple. First disconnect it by removing the fuel pipe that connects the fuel petcock on the tank to the fuel filter, then undo two bolts again at the back of the tank towards the seat, and it lifts right off. It's held in place and cushioned on two rubber clad wheels at the sides of the chassis. The same wheels are to be used to hold the wiring as well.
After the removal of the seat and the tank, this is what we were left with :
I gave what was in essence, the "rolling chassis with the engine and accessories" a good wipe down with a cloth. Did the same for the tank as well. Decided to remove the tank cover, just to satisfy my desire for an aesthetic change. Kept it stored safely for future use (Especially when touring).
You may also notice in the pic that the side box is missing the beautiful rear reflector. Unfortunately it seems to have come off without me noticing during a ride. That's a negative point for the quality of the box admittedly. And I don't think it's possible to get a reflector alone. So I'll be using some creativity here and will make an update on that later.
Then I got back to the seat. Replaced all the rubber components with the new ones. Also the front part that holds the slot tab and the back part that holds the bracket used to bolt the seat on has rubber beneath and require two bolts to be undone each before the rubber can be replaced.
The seat before replacing the rubber. Notice the front two bushes are entirely missing. This is what causes the seat to lower and move about, cracking the ABS plastic side panels in the process. This is a common problem and can be rectified by gluing down the rubber bushings with feviquik, so they don't fall off and disappear.
The older AX 100 was lesser affected by this issue because it had metal side panels. I guess that's the "price" for cost cutting in the case of the Max 100. On the other Suzukis like the Samurai, Shogun, and Shaolin, the issue is compounded because tail panels now come into the picture. That's the reason why we find many of the still surviving examples of these bikes with broken and misaligned tail panels. It's a sad sight, as I personally feel the design is so retro 90s and looks fantastic when they're in good shape. It also applies to the Supra, with it being more of an issue because the beautiful single piece tail panel is difficult to come by and most of the time, require fabrication for replacements.
Then, comes the wiring. Remember I said the two rubber wheels that hold the tank in place also is supposed to neatly hold and arrange the wiring? Seemingly not so in the case of my bike. The wiring is an utter mess as you can probably see in the picture and it wasn't feasible for me to move them about, risking causing any issues with it, so I decided to leave it as it is for now, and deal with it when I eventually get around to do a full restoration.
So I fitted the tank back without the tank cover, connected the fuel lines, then fitted the seat back as well. It was coming to shape very well indeed.
The next step was the side panels. I had stored them away for a while, so I took them back, and did some jugaad work with making them fit back. When the side panels are in perfect shape, they simply fit on the side with just one bolt each. The same applies for the AX 100 and the Supra. The Samurai, Shogun, and the Shaolin had a different style of side panel and they used a more convenient key lock system for the panels.
On my side panels, they were cracked on multiple portions, so I sealed the cracks with glue, made a hole on the inner folding, and used a wire to basically tightly hold them in place, in addition to the bolts. To many, all this will seem unnecessary, but there's a reason for it.
I know they're cheap and easy to get new, but the old ones could still be used till I go for the full restoration as I mentioned. I plan on doing some interesting stuff with side panels in the future. They are holding on very well indeed for now and will be used till then.
Finally, I removed the café racer cross on the headlight. Got bored of it and decided now that the bike is looking more and more classic, let's enhance the theme and make it more simplistic to look at. And this was the end result of all of this :
I'm quite pleased with how it has turned out so far. But my interest in making more changes still exists and there will be a radical transformation sooner or later, so stay tuned!
Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.
BHPian Abhyjit.K.A recently shared this with other enthusiasts.
My very first thread on Team-BHP was about my journey of having Suzanna, my 2002 TVS Max 100 R come into my life and bless with me all the smiles per mile I could ever want out of a motorcycle. It's been over half a year of ownership and I thought its high time to start sharing some of the adventures we had together. Although there are so many to say, I thought this specific little road trip I had quite recently (With a childhood friend on board too) stood out quite a bit from the rest. So here goes!
It was Pooja Holidays (Both of us are 3rd year college students) and Rohan was coming back to Chennai from Coimbatore and thus, over a brief, yet exciting discussion over text, we decided to go on a road trip together (He suggested me the plan after seeing the multitude of statuses and stories I post of my little rides). The question was where? After all, there’s only so much distance you can cover on a 19-year-old (About to become 20) 100cc motorcycle within a day, isn’t it? (Theoretically, I mean).
Pondicherry was the perfect choice (P.S : I’ll be calling it Pondicherry and not Puducherry as it has a nicer ring to it). A distance of exactly 150 kms from Chennai, meaning we can cruise nice and slowly at our own pace, barely stressing the bike, and catching up with ourselves and our lives on the way, while being able to reach back home at night on the same day, despite exploring around the place in our own time. So off we went!
We started on the 3rd of October, 2022 at 7:30 A.M after I picked him up from the Metro station. I had started recording the trip on my app at 6:45, but there was a slight delay before he was able to reach. So, amidst the waiting and the greetings, the journey officially started at 7:30.
Waiting at the Metro Station
It's amazing to meet an old friend after such a long time, not having seen each other in person for nearly 2 and a half years (Primarily because of the lockdowns and mutual busy schedules), especially when one has gone to another place for college. Nevertheless, nothing much had changed. We were still exactly like we used to be and the thought of adventure kept our spirits high throughout that wonderful day.
I personally know the limits of my bike all too well (Especially after seeing what happens when she’s pushed too far), so although she’s as hardy and trusty as can be, I always take measures to make sure she’s as comfortable as us. For instance, whenever I do long rides, I divide the time like this :
For every 1 hour, I ride for 50 minutes and take a 10-minute break. This little 10-minute break is enough for both the rider and the motorcycle to relax and carry forth the journey with renewed vigour. And of course, we’ll eventually have to stop for a longer, say half an hour to 40 minutes break to have breakfast, lunch dinner, or a snack as the case may be, that’ll help both the rider and the motorcycle to relax even more. And not to forget to mention, the times the motorcycle will get to rest and cool down, even more, when it's parked as you go about being a tourist.
Then specifically when it comes to 2 strokes, 2T oil application is extremely important. Those who have read my first post about Suzanna know the close shave she had due to the oil pump. Thus, my bike runs purely on pre-mix. From experience, TVS-Suzuki engines do well with generous amounts of oil. The exact amount of oil you must mix depends on the condition of the engine. But the general rule of thumb is to add extra oil whenever you’ll be cruising for long distances at high speed or ripping about a lot as compared to a daily commute. Since I had a pillion as well, this becomes even more important.
Then the rest is all down to how well you maintain your bike and how you treat it. My bike sees a lot of miles and almost daily use for commutes, touring, errands, as well as some young-age hooliganism, and doesn’t miss a beat. The same can’t necessarily be said about a garage queen. In fact, she gets mad and sulks if left untouched for more than 1 day, and takes some persuasion (A couple more kicks) to start, which otherwise is never the case. She actually was a garage queen under the previous owner, and it's like she never wants to go back to that dratted life, if that can even be called so.
So, the previous day’s evening, I went and purchased two 500ml bottles of 2T oil, did a full tank, gave her a good cleaning, and took her for a brief spin around the neighbourhood before awaiting the next day with excitement. The funny thing is, she’s so efficient on fuel that I didn’t have to fill her up even after returning back and carried on my usual daily commute for nearly a week just like that. Who said 2 stroke has to mean inefficiency and impracticality ?
There are multiple routes to get to Pondicherry, but we chose 2 different routes, one for going and another one while coming back, just for some variety. While going, we used the OMR-ECR route and while coming back, we used the NH66-NH45 route. The reasons were simple. The ECR Highway is fantastic in the morning. Young, so full of energy and vibrancy that it refreshes you up. The NH66 and the NH45 are beautiful in the afternoon to evening time as the sun sets, painting the plush surrounding green landscape, the plains dotted with hills here and there, in a memorable golden shade that gives you a warm loving embrace, while the large, smooth highway roads seem to go on and on forever. Not to mention, when it finally gets dark, the vibe it gives is a totally different one. You feel transported to a retro racing video game and it feels like the 2000s and 2010s all over again (Those were the years of my childhood and the ones I can relate to the most). More on that later!
While entering the ECR Highway, we stopped at a mini junction after a toll plaza just after the OMR Highway ended for breakfast and a cup of coffee. The time was 8:36 A.M. We had taken a break between 8:20 to 8:30 A.M as planned, but found a place to eat within 6 minutes of resuming the trip. After finishing breakfast, we resumed our trip at 9 sharp.
The ECR highway has its way of tempting you to go fast and feel the rush of the seashore air, but we cruised steadily doing just around 50-60 kph and occasionally even dipping down to 40 kph as this was the first time, I was doing a longer distance ride with a pillion and didn’t want to stress my bike much. Plus, when you’re cruising slower, you get to prolong the fun, enjoy the passing views more by appreciating the details, and manage a flowing conversation with your pillion without all the wind buffeting and higher concentration required when riding fast
As planned, we did periodic 10-minute breaks to get up, stretch and unwind whenever the 50 minutes of riding was over.
The long straights and curves of the ECR Highway slowly ended a while after crossing Mahabalipuram and now, the roads were narrower, the scenery greener, there were occasional bridges, and the mood ever so wondrous. That’s what riding slower helps you to understand. Why be in a hurry when you can witness so much that’s happening around you, that compensates for just the exciting rush and high that speed affords you?
Rohan took quite a few moving shots of the beautiful places we crossed that you can also see and enjoy :
During one break, we had a Blueberry Goli Soda. How welcomingly refreshing that was!
The landscape then slowly changed. The buildings slowly emerged. We finally reached Pondicherry city at around 12. Wasn’t that satisfying? Suzie had made the whole thing so relaxed, yet so entertaining that I was proud of her. After some riding about, we reached Promenade Beach at 12:16 where we parked her and carried forth on foot.
It wasn’t such a sunny morning that day, so being at the beach at noon time wasn’t exhausting. It was bright and the clouds were white, not overcast whatsoever. Perfect timing. Now let’s talk a bit about Pondicherry, shall we? Here’s a little excerpt from an article I wrote about the trip for my college magazine’s travelogue section :
“Investigating a bit into the history of Pondicherry tells a lot of tales of its time as a French colony, the effects of which are truly evident in the architecture of various parts of the lovely city. It truly is stereotypically French in many ways. The walk along the seashore of the wonderful Promenade Beach, for instance, is lined with wooden benches situated next to solitary trees meticulously planted periodically. Then there are the buildings themselves, particularly around the French Colony. The Art Nouveau features and vibrant colours that detail the beautiful cafes around town make one feel transported to a different realm. An excellent zone for capturing solo and group snapshots to cherish forever. A visit here teaches us the value of aesthetics. Especially those that are culturally inherited.
Witnessing the French Colony and its vibe just makes one think. If it’s like this, now in 2022, imagine how this same place would have been and looked like under French control, let’s say, a hundred years ago, in 1922. It’s an intensely mixed bag of feelings. The sheer weight of the history, along with all the smiles, tears, and unfortunately blood this place has seen…. Nevertheless, the whole of the city truly has moved on, just preserving the aesthetics in some parts of course. The other parts of the city are quintessentially as Indian as they get in the best way possible, that whenever one suddenly happens upon the French-inspired parts while walking, riding or driving through the city, one feels so much awe. Like being transported into another dimension by a time machine.
Pondicherry is, was, and shall always be a metaphorical island. A French colony, taking with it, the French essence within one large cauldron of cultures, languages, beauty, resources and experiences…. All of which drew the colonizers into our nation in the first place. It is an eternal bubble that will always be beloved by the ones who know what it can offer. There are a number of other places to visit ranging from a number of Cathedrals, the Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple, the Museum, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, the French War Memorial, so on and so forth.”
We had our lunch at one of the many restaurants & cafes in French Colony (Tasted the finest Paneer Tikka I ever had my entire life) after which, we took some photographs and walked along the beach, dipping our feet in the waters of course (I can call it “Dipping our feet”, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s impossible to be at the beach without getting wet well above one’s knees and getting sprinkled or splashed the rest of the way till the head). After some more clicks, we decided to get going to the next place to visit. Auroville.
No visit to Pondicherry is complete without visiting Auroville. Built from scratch on 20 square kilometres of barren land, Auroville is so welcoming, so peaceful and so memorable. Founded by Mirra Alfassa and dedicated to the vision of Sri Aurobindo, Auroville was inaugurated just in 1968 and carries forth its unique image to this very day and beyond. To phrase my article yet again, “A spiritual zone, then, is it? But it feels all too natural within. Riding through the narrow roads of the township, framed with greenery and various curiosity shops dotting the cozy landscape, we noticed something truly exceptional. Nobody seemed to be in a hurry on the road or off of it. Many people had a smile on their face, and the whole atmosphere was one inspiring peace within even the most restless traveler. Auroville is truly a special place in this regard.
We stopped to visit the Matrimandir, an iconic tourist attraction within the city. It is a golden dome which was built to represent “A symbol of the Divine’s answer to man’s aspiration for perfection.” It’s a surreal place, fusing together elements of the past with the future. For instance, this isn’t exactly a place of worship as it doesn’t follow any particular religion, even though it follows similar lines of existence. It is powered by a field of solar panels, making it technologically and ideologically way ahead of its time. This masterpiece took 37 years to build and witnessing it is an experience that cannot be easily put in words, particularly when one understands what exactly it stands for.”
Our visit to the Matrimandir was the last piece of our Pondicherry Puzzle, after which we decided to get moving and get back on the road, and head for home. It was around 3:40 P.M as we left the town and entered some beautiful narrow country roads before eventually joining the NH66 at 4 P.M sharp. Thereafter, we cruised, taking in the gorgeous scenery.
Remember how I mentioned these roads are particularly memorable in the afternoon and evening? That was exactly what we witnessed and enjoyed. The sun was slowly on its way to kiss the horizon and we cruised happily on the long, straight, smooth road with the engine burbling along, adding a fantastic soundtrack to the experience.
We followed our exact schedule of riding for 50 minutes and taking a break for 10 minutes thereafter. During one slightly longer coffee break, Rohan clicked this photograph of me goofing about with my bike. I love this photograph so much as it holds a ton of memories and represents a lot of things to me.
We resumed our journey and as the sun descended further, the golden yellow shades of the sky slowly followed suit as the world prepared itself for the inky blackness of the night. But it wasn’t time yet, as things were about to be shaken up.
While going forth, I suddenly noticed someone on the side of the road next to his parked bike, signalling us for help. I pulled over immediately to see something strange. The bike, a black Pulsar was scratched all over and its front fairing was smashed in half. The man’s clothes were ripped and he was bruised with his eyes and voice showing someone truly broken inside. It was obvious he had fallen down, as he confirmed he had done so, back at a junction. Thankfully his bike was still rideable. But now, his luck had taken a drastic turn when he ran out of fuel as well and got stranded.
He gave us a bottle and a 50 Rupee note asking for us to help get him some fuel. After making sure he was physically ok, we took the bottle, turned down the money saying it wasn’t an issue, rode till the next fuel station which was 3 and odd kilometres away, got half a litre of petrol, and came back to him at once. I didn’t offer a tow as he looked to be in no state to do so. We asked him where he was going, and he said he was going to Tambaram where he worked, from his village (Couldn’t remember the name of the place he said) when the mishap occurred. He told us he had no idea how we was gonna get there as his phone got damaged in the crash and he had lost his cards along with a lot of other things as well.
Now Tambaram and Chennai city from that place was well over 100 kilometres away and there was no way he could reach there without help. So, I gave him some cash which would allow him to reach there, plus have a bit for emergencies. He was so overwhelmed that he fell on my feet, and gave me a big hug, almost crying.
It was a genuine case of bad luck and not some scam. One could easily tell. I already know the dangers of stopping on certain stretches of highways here in our country, but I’m glad I did stop for this. Plus, I had my friend along with me as well, so I’m glad we could be of help to him. After bidding farewell and telling him to ride slow and safe, we carried forth our journey.
But this time, we were faced with some dangers of our own. Early on, while in Pondicherry, I noticed the horn had suddenly stopped working. No big deal, I thought initially. But slowly, the indicators also started failing with just the buzzer beeping slowly and no light flashing. Then, the neutral light also gave way when we stopped for another break at 5:50 P.M. Then, I realized what was going on. A blackout.
I quickly turned the ignition on and tested the brake light by pulling the brake lever, which also didn’t glow. Then, I fired her up and flicked on the switch for the lights, resulting in nothing happening. That’s when the seriousness of the situation dawned upon us. All the electrical ancillaries had failed, and the sun was slowly setting, meaning we had to ride the 80 kilometres back to Chennai in the dark on mostly unlit highways without lights, indicators, and a horn.
Thankfully the Max 100 is a bike that doesn’t actually require a battery to run. In fact, I added the battery after purchasing my bike just for the ancillaries to work properly. So, since the engine ran completely independently, she fired up and chugged along as if nothing had happened. At this point, only the engine, the speedo, and the odo worked with everything else blankly just existing. Now imagine such an affair with a very modern & tech-filled bike or car that works purely in conjunction with the electricals and electronics. Sometimes, there’s no substitute for simplicity.
At 6 P.M, we resumed our journey, this time, with added hurry to cover as much ground as possible before the sunlight vanished totally. This time, I maintained around 70 kph of speed, touching that number whenever possible and going a bit above as well whenever the opportunity presented itself as the traffic was also now slowly increasing. We carried on like this till 6:50 P.M when we pulled over for another break. By then, the sky had gone fully dark.
At this point, the breaks were purely for the motorcycle and not really for us, as we were intent on reaching home quickly, looking at our circumstances. We really were pushing the engine to its limits. I’d usually have no reservations to ride my bike like this when it’s a solo ride, but with a pillion, this was a unique situation as you can guess. On a small-capacity motorcycle, such details do matter.
At 7 P.M, we hit the road and decided no more breaks would be required. I had the throttle wide open as we powered along, with our destination getting closer and closer. We briefly calculated, taking into account distance, speed, and traffic that we could reach the airport only around 8:30, where Rohan said he’d take the metro home to escape the massive traffic and delay that usually ensues while going by road. So we did the same drill. Maintain the speed between 60-75 as much as possible, use hand signals whenever we had to make a lane change, pull the clutch, flick the throttle and use the exhaust as a horn if at all required, and never slow down unless required as all the vehicles were powering through the road at high speed.
There were two situations that were both close shaves. One was when two buses took a quick turn from a diversion and entered the highway, blocking a large portion due to the terrible turning circle, forcing us to swerve to the right and power out of the way in the nick of time. The other was when an old man simply ran across the road at a green light near a bridge. There, we were doing barely 40, so had enough time to react.
After that, the highway freed up again, so I opened her up and we rode into the inky blackness of the night. Despite all this, no bleakness was ever in sight or feel. Our spirits were still high, albeit, more excited and alert as now, this started to feel like a real adventure. The engine roared along and its soundtrack is one that somehow energizes you. Rohan was doing the hand signals for the lane changes and it felt amazing to work like a team in this small regard.
We heaved a sigh of relief when the lights of SRM University came into sight as that meant Chennai International Airport was just about 25 kilometres away. So, we kept pushing forwards.
This part of the journey, starting from when we resumed our trip at 7 proved to be so memorable. I remember a year and a half or so back, just after the lockdowns had ceased, travelling with family by car in this very stretch, with the driver cruising at 130 kph. Never would I have imagined at that moment that in such a short period of time, I’d get my own bike and be riding along this very road with my friend as a pillion. This truly felt special to me. We were so engrossed in being alert and watchful of the road that we didn’t have time to take snapshots on the move to immortalize those moments, but I guess, safety first, for all those memories are still cherished in our minds.
As the miles went by, the feelings became surreal. It felt like we were in a video game. If only the lights worked and the instrument cluster was lit up like a Christmas tree, it really would have felt like we were young children again, playing a racing video game from the late 2000s, retro aesthetics intact. The sound played the part too. With the beautiful combination of burbles, roars, and the intake wail and howls on acceleration all mixing together in a mishmash of utter perfection and sensory delight, every single moment was savoured.
In no time, we crossed Tambaram and finally reached the brightly lit chandelier, that is, our Chennai International Airport. There’s a bridge right nearby that you climb right next to the terminal and at night, it's quite an experience to witness the Thirusulam hills on the right side and the futuristic aesthetics of the airport on the left as the cool wind blows across your face and the stars shine brightly above. It was 8:09 P.M when we reached the entrance of the metro station. Finally, our journey was coming to an end.
After reminiscing our adventure and bidding our farewells, Rohan left and I fired Suzie back up and hit the road. It was 8:13 P.M. Traffic was still very much there, but it all moved quickly and fluidly. What an adrenaline rush! When I reached home, it was 8:42 P.M. 311.66 kilometres travelled in total. The odometer showed 40,054 kilometres. It had rolled past the 40k mark en route a while before we reached the airport. When I got her, she had 35k kilometres on her (I told you she was a garage queen before). So that’s 5k kilometres of ownership completed. And what a way to hit 40k!
What I absolutely love about Suzanna is the way she never missed a beat throughout the whole journey. And especially towards the end, she forgave all my thrashings and took them all, making sure we reached on time. The electrical blackout almost seemed like a challenge thrown at us to make our trip even more memorable. Maybe it was for the greater good, as we wouldn’t have had the sense of hurry required to reach home on time and prevent any possible mishaps. Who knows? I prefer to look at things the positive way, so that’s that.
Rohan texted me soon afterwards, telling me he had reached home as well. By the divine blessings from above, we made it and we made it safe. That’s what matters the most. We shared the photographs we took and went to bed after having dinner. And as you can guess, I slept like a baby after recollecting all that we experienced.
The best part? This is just the start. So much more to come. Stay tuned! Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing down all this. Cheers and happy riding!
Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.