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Rtech - Robin Shroff
27th June 1978 - 23rd December 2007
A Beautiful human being, Ace biker & Team-BHP Moderator”
  • Mrs. Zendin Shroff

    (Robin's Mother)

    Dearest Robin,

    The Lord has you in his arms, I have you in my heart forever. Your name brings a smile to my lips and joy to my heart.


  • Zubin Shroff


    Hi Rob,

    Missing you here on earth.
    Hope the roads are smooth and clean where you are.

    Your brother always,

  • Rush Parekh

    (Fellow Moderator)

    Dear brother Rtech,

    Thank you for touching our lives in a way that no one else possibly can. Every meeting with you was special, whether it was redlining 2 wheels and 4, or just hanging out after work. You are singularly responsible for getting a whole bunch of us hooked onto Superbikes, and I hope to own that R6 we spoke of one day. You're the best driver & rider I've known.

    It's been an honour to have befriended a person as beautiful as you. Whenever I think of you, I smile. You will never be forgotten....you will live in our hearts forever.

    P.S. Bet you taught the Gods a thing or two about 2-strokes up there!

  • Rehaan Batliboi

    (Fellow Moderator)

    Very rarely do you come across a person who has the inner strength and kindness to influence your life for the better, just with his presence. Robin was one of those people. He was a true gem of a person, and he was loved by all.

    We spent countless hours talking about cars and bikes, how they worked, and what we'd love to own someday. I can't help but think "Wow, Robin would have loved this..." every time something happens in our little worlds. A chance to meet Gordon Murray, test-drive the latest superbike or perhaps help organize India's first ever Formula 1 race. Despite that, I have no doubts that he's been taken to a better place. I'm sure he's still carefully watching over his friends & family, being part of all the action, and making the occasional tongue-in-cheek comment at a few of us every time he gets the chance.

    We remember you fondly, miss you dearly and are truly blessed to have had you in our lives.

  • Gogi Singh


    Dear Rob,

    We loved you dearly....we continue to do so. It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone, for a part of us went with you. Your love now guides us and we see you through your beautiful memories.

    As a butterfly graces our lives with a short moment's fragile beauty, so too has your presence blessed us and those around you...with your unique spirit. We find peace and joy with each butterfly that passes, knowing that you live on in the hearts of all you touched.

    Take care dear friend!

  • Manmeet Soni

    (Fellow Moderator)

    You were initially a fellow auto enthusiast, following which you became a friend. Soon enough you were my guide and before I knew it, I'd begun to idolise you in spheres of life that weren't even automotive.

    You still manage to break me into a smile with fond memories of the great times we shared. I'm pretty sure you were jumping all over the place when F1 made it to India. All of that hard work of yours finally paid of eh!

    There are very few people who leave behind a foot print as strong as you so unknowingly did, Robin. Respect.

  • Atul Chandan Menon


    I still remember the first time I met Robin. It was on a Sunday morning ride. Watching him sashay the ZZR on Karjat twisties was pure music, akin to Mozart's symphony - fluid, seamless and harmonious. Although I struggled to keep up with him on my puny ZMA at WOT, I was grinning ear to ear through my helmet watching Robin do his thing a few metres ahead. After a very long time, I was happy that I was riding behind someone. It's a feeling words cannot express & somehow I felt we connected on a level only true enthusiasts would understand.

    Although we met only twice post that, we had several conversations over the phone on various things under the sun...even when he was away in Italy, he called to discuss the noodles he was cooking for dinner.

    I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity of knowing a gem of a human being in Robin. Warm, kind & passionate, I'm yet to meet another enthusiast like him. God bless his soul.

  • Deep Pandian

    (Fellow Moderator)

    Dear Rtech,

    Although I did not know you personally, I immediately felt a connection with you on the forum, because you loved bikes & motorsports just like me.

    So much that you chose to pursue your career in motorsports while giving up other more lucrative options. I can totally relate to that.

    Heart still feels heavy every time I am reminded that you are gone.

    You will never be forgotten my friend!

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