
My new Scrambler 400 X needed a part replacement after just 600 km

I took my motorcycle to the Triumph service centre and they replaced the part but did not cover it under warranty.

BHPian al90 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

First part replacement:

So I have now had my first part break down on the bike. I had just completed 600 kms, and was riding to work in moderately heavy traffic when the engine oil pressure light came on.

Was barely 100 meters from the office and didn't want to pull to the side of the already congested road in the heat. I knew for a fact there were no oil leaks or spills since I do a routine walkaround check before I take the bike out so wasn't that worried.

Was already riding below 50km/hr slowed down further to listen to any engine noise, stopped the bike and checked for oil levels and any weird or abnormal sounds from the engine, and nada.

I switched it off and started it up again the light went off, so left it at that, later in the evening the same thing happened again, reaching almost close to my house the light popped up again, so the light at this point turned on at almost after 1.8-1.9 kms.

The next day when I started the bike the light was on immediately after 10 seconds of riding so called up the service center and went there around 3 pm, the service technician took the bike for a TD and came back and told me that it was the oil pressure switch that would need replacement and they can return the bike next day as they were packed.

The switch itself is not covered under warranty so paid Rs. 150 and got it fixed along with a chain clean and lube from the service center for Rs. 250, a total of Rs. 400.

Am not exactly sure why the oil pressure switch conked off, but I think it would be my riding in the city traffic combined with the heat, but I thought usually bike parts are made to withstand such high temps. They have ridden the bike for about 20 odd kms and everything seems fine now.

Here's what BHPian aston_martyr had to say about the matter:

Sorry to hear about this, but I don't think heat must have been a factor. I ride midday 20 kms every day in peak traffic in Bangalore and have not had this issue.

Maybe it was a defective part? Did the technician/SA explain why it must have failed? Did they check the oil levels? Hopefully, it does not occur again.

Here's what BHPian al90 replied:

The technicians didn't have an explanation even though they assumed it to be the heat or just a defective part, oil levels were all fine.

P.S. I do know Bangalore temps are high, but I believe Chennai is still closer to the sun than to Bangalore these days with average temps midday at 36 and due to the humidity feels like 46.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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