
Maruti Ignis upgrades: Installed auto-folding ORVMs, seat covers & more

It's been 2 years with my humble Ignis. I think it's the right time to give it back the shine it came with.

BHPian TorqueSteer recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I always wanted a mirror auto-folding feature on my car since I've seen it on Hyundais. Not that it makes a big difference but I get some kind of satisfaction seeing mirrors close when locked and open when the car is unlocked.

I had a Linea TJet before this and an Alto and a Nano before that. This feature wasn't possible in any of them.

Even the top-end Ignis, the Ignis Alpha doesn't have an auto-folding feature. I had to go to after-market options.

Being in Pune, there are many car decor shops near my place. I started enquiring there and they are quoting between 2000 to 3500 for the module.

I was also looking for seat covers. I went to Lunkad Seatcovers in Kharadi. They had the module. The person quoted 2500 for the R&D one and 3500 for Autocop one. Since I had to get the seat covers also done. I negotiated the price and got seat covers, an auto fold module and a set of 4D mats for 10k.

Installation was a pretty simple job.

Both the front door panels had to be removed. The reason being the right side door coupling doesn't have a power supply point required for the module. So the technician routed a wire to the left side door.

The installation took around 30 minutes and everything went well. Below is the functionality. Sorry for the bad-quality GIF.

Lock and unlock using a key.

Ignis came with good quality fabric seats however I felt the seats are getting soiled easily. Seat covers were inevitable. Seat covers installation took around 2 hours from stitching to installation.

Original seats

Front passenger seat with cover

Backseat with cover

I have more upgrades planned in the coming months:

  1. Planning to get OEM-style steering wheel leather wrap done. I've enquired in many stores in Pune. most of them said they couldn't and some said they could but don't have any images of previous work. I'm not willing to take risks. I'm planning on taking my car to Orchis in Mumbai and getting it done.
  2. OEM reverse camera. Since Ignis is a smaller car, I never felt the need for this. Will do it if time and pocket permit.
  3. Ceramic Coating. It's been 2 years with my humble Ignis. I think it's the right time to give it back the shine it came with.
  4. Upgrade tyres from 175 to 195. My Ignis ran just 5k km in the last 2 years. Since it was lockdown, I did not get a chance to take the car out much. Started using it regularly now. And I'll hit the 10k mark in a couple of months. Will change the tyres then.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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