
Cars24 moves used car buying entirely online

Buyers can inspect high quality, 360-degree images of the vehicles they would like to purchase. As part of this investment, 20 car studios across 10+ locations in the country are operational, cataloging 400 cars a day.

Cars24 has moved the process of buying used cars entirely online. The company is offering home delivery in a branded delivery truck, a warranty of 6 months, and a no-questions-asked 7-day return policy, much like buying any other product online.

The company claims to have built an assortment of over 10,000 cars. Buyers can find the exact model in the exact condition and exact colour they want.

Cars24 owns and fully reconditions used cars at its workshop. It is also investing in technology-based refurbishment centres. In 2021, the brand plans to set up 7 refurbishment facilities across 50 acres of land in top Indian metro cities. Around 20,000 cars will be refurbished at these facilities every month.

Over the past few months, Cars24 has made huge investments in cataloging cars. Buyers can inspect high quality, 360-degree images of the vehicles they would like to purchase. As part of this investment, 20 car studios across 10+ locations in the country are operational, cataloging 400 cars a day.

The company claims to ensure each car that is listed on the platform for sale has passed a 140-point inspection and it does not list any car which does not pass. The company is also providing customised financing options, which is a fully contactless process with video KYC and near real-time processing of loans.

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