Mahindra has confirmed that it is building a 5-door version of the Thar. However, the SUV will only arrive after 2023.
The 5-Door Thar is expected to share its underpinnings with the 3-Door version that is currently on sale. The wheelbase is likely to be extended to accommodate the additional set of doors. As a result, the 5-Door Thar will prove to be more practical than its 3-Door cousin.
The SUV could use the same engines and transmissions as the 3-door model. These include a 2.0-litre, 4-cylinder mStallion petrol that produces 150 BHP and 320 Nm and a 2.2-litre mHawk diesel with 130 BHP and 320 Nm. The engines could be mated to either a 6-speed manual or 6-speed automatic along with a four-wheel-drive system and a manual-shift transfer case.
Besides the 5-Door Thar, Mahindra has lined-up 8 other models that will be launched by 2026.