Maruti Suzuki is all set to launch the fourth generation Swift in India later this month. The carmaker has opened its order books but has yet to release details of the India-spec Swift.
While we do know that the new Swift will be offered with Maruti Suzuki’s new Z Series engine, a leaked document sheds more light on the technical details of the new engine.
The 2024 Swift will be powered by a 1.2-litre, 3-cylinder petrol engine paired with a mild-hybrid system. It produces 80 BHP @ 5,700 rpm and 112 Nm @ 4,300 rpm. The engine is expected to be paired with a 5-speed manual gearbox and an AMT.
In comparison, the outgoing version is slightly more powerful. It uses a 1.2-litre, 4-cylinder engine that develops 89 BHP @ 6,000 rpm and 113 Nm @ 4,400 rpm.
According to the leaked document, the claimed fuel efficiency of the manual version is 25.72 km/l, which is 3.34 km/l higher than the outgoing version.
Source: V3Cars