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  • 18 Motorcycles | Ride to Munnar

    Yes, we too were responsible and part of the km-long traffic jams at toll plazas heading out of Bangalore on the Independence Day weekend. 18 bikes, our highest count for an overnighter trip could…
  • Circular ride of Arunachal Pradesh

    We first finalized the dates of our travel and decided to prepare an itinerary later. While we 2 friends were in initial tasks another friend showed interest. None of us had ever been to Guwahati…
  • Exploring Kodagu with an Infant

    Me and the missus have always been avid travelers. So it was not a surprise that 7 month old Baby V finds the outdoors more interesting than the drab interiors of our Central Bengaluru apartment.…
  • Driven: Raisen, Malwa and Nimar

    For several decades I have been making entries in my travel diaries as notes for my reference, but on the flipside hand written notes cant be shared with fellow travellers. Sharing one such travel…
  • Bangalore - Bijapur route update!

    My arrival time at Fern Residency Bijapur was 14:40. The condition of the roads overall is great with different sections exhibiting different traits. Bangalore to Tumkur: dense traffic, average surface,…
  • Retro: Driving instead of Flying

    I completed this road marathon which took me from Bhubaneswar- Brahmapur-Hyderabad-Bengaluru-Belgaum-Mumbai-Pune-Hyderabad-Bengaluru-Hyderabad-Bengaluru-Belgaum-Pune-Mumbai-Pune-Nagpur-Bhubaneswar.…
  • Himalayas! Bangalore-Leh Drive

    Being someone who gets a kick out of adrenaline rush, it was clear in my mind that this trip has to happen via road and not flying to Leh. The whole adventure angle that Leh trip provides is something…
  • In search of a fallen aircraft

    With highway widening in progress around Moran, this stretch of the highway is anything but pleasant, save for the occasional tea garden to soothe the weary eyes. But soon we were heading towards…
  • Walking through Penn Uni Museum

    I had the opportunity to visit Penn University Museum, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in USA and have tried to retain the memoirs. The same are being shared with prior apologies for poor photographs…
  • 12 Pals, 4 Cars, Celebrate Driving

    We started the trip in the darkness with 12 mad men to celebrate friendship over a common interest. The journey of over 1300Km was completed in less than 56 hours. The hours we slept were less than…
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