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  • Birth of the evil twins

    After his Europe trip Sam gets the first chance to check the progress on the Twins & discovers that due to some unavoidable circumstances it might not be possible to get them ready & transported from…
  • Menage a Trois - Mumbai - Bangalore

    While Viddy has yet to write his travel blog preceding this, let me write mine. Having missed out n the Delhi-Mumbai sector, It looked like I would miss out on the Mumbai – Bangalore sector as the…
  • Of cold mountains, and tonnes of snow

    45 degrees, said the newspaper. However you do not need a newspaper to tell you that. The loo which constantly hits you is an indication enough, and to rub it in the power department cuts power in…
  • Wet Bhutan and Green Dooars

    I am just back from a longish (by my standard) trip to Bhutan and Dooars jungles. The Dooars jungle was kind of unplanned and hence added to the fun. We had originally planned for an entire Bhutan…
  • The Mughals, the Auto Expo & the Food

    4th Jan 2010: My flight is scheduled to depart Bangalore at 0955. I wake up by 6:30 am, shower and leave for the airport at 7:00. My dad and his colleagues had booked an earlier flight. They were…
  • Photolog from a forgotten forest

    Kalatop, a destinaten often ignored admist Khajjiar and dalhousie. But what a perfect place to stay for couple of nights. We reached there after sundown, so it was time for some simple night shots
  • Himachal : The great hunt for snow

    Slack time at work and lovely winters in vogue. This time a plan had been brewing since early november and taking inspiration from AP-AP team, i had initially planned to drive down to Himachal…
  • Riders on a storm!

    Well this trip, over 4 days, was anything but simple. We had lots of rocks, lots of snow, and a "feeble western disturbance" for company. Its was the first time we had a white diwali, and the…
  • The Serbian car scene-You have it all here

    I landed in Belgrade (Serbia) a week ago and till I set foot here, I had no idea about the car scene here. I did search the TBHP archives for "Serbia", but the only thread that really was about this…
  • Whiteout!

    "A western Disturbance is currently affecting the Western Himalayan region" Read the IMD website for most of the week ending 13th Feb. 12th being a holiday, it became a three day weekend. And when…
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