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  • White Travelogue - Kalpa-Sangla-Narkanda

    Every couple of days IMD would say "A fresh WD will affect the western Himalayan region over the next 3-4 days". This meant only one thing. Head to the hills, for that elusive snowfall. Well…
  • Visiting the Forgotten Empire of Vijayanag

    It has been almost 4 months since we did this trip to Hampi, also known as Hampe. But I didn’t happen to write about it right away because of couple of reasons. At first, I was quite disturbed by…
  • The dotted Cat in the open forest

    December 17th 2010, being a holiday on account of Moharam, had a long weekend. With loads of thinking and discussion with my wife, we decide we will have ride to BR Hills and the Bandipur over the…
  • Ladakh - A family Holiday Pictorial

    The plan to visit Leh-Ladakh was being hatched since I last visited this area in the year 1990. Yes, 20 years back when my Dad was posted in Kargil, We were lucky enough to spend one full month with…
  • Memories from 5 years of travel

    This thread isnt a Smartcat thread. I guess it requires a LOT of patience and time to put forth the narration and photos for all your trips and keep people hooked to it with a lot of humour and content.…
  • Been Leh'd & back: The dream come true

    There are dreams and there are THE dreams. One of the latter ones I had for a long time came true a few days back, and we (wife & I) got Ladakh’d. What an experience it was, something we ain’t…
  • Monsoon magic from ghats to beaches

    Thanks to folks like BigZero and Srikanth for their inspiring travelogues, I too decided to make it to Valparai for my monsoon vacation (trip was done from 14th to 18th June). Sis and family were…
  • The lake of the moon and the Spiti Sprint

    Four days in hand, and hundreds of kms to drive. The goal was clear. Chandertaal, everything else was a bonus. After all, who attempts to do Spiti and Chandertal in 4 days. 2 days go in driving…
  • Run To Raan Of Katch

    A run to the Great Raan of Katch (GRK) has been on the cards for a long long time, after tasting Little Raan of Kutch (LRK) a couple of times. This barren land can grow on you, you'd be amazed at…
  • Magical Bandhavgarh : A study tour

    Bandhavgarh Tiger reserve, having the highest density of Bengal tigers known in the world was the destination of a group of 5 conservation minded Wildlife enthusiasts (including me) in the 4th week…
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