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  • Kashmir, Nature's bewitching drama

    All my life I have run into people who spoke of extraordinary beauty when the word Kashmir was uttered. I have honestly never encountered anyone who felt the place was over rated and not worth a visit.…
  • A Trans Himalayan Motoring Expedition

    I am posting the thread and pictures on behalf of the team, describing the adventures of the rallyists, explorers,adventurists and dare devils, who during the 42 day Trans Himalayan expedition covered…
  • Andaman Islands: A trip to cherish

    Shaheed and Swaraj – these were the names Netaji gave to the Andamans and Nicobars respectively during his visit to the islands. Since I read this, visiting them has always been a fascination. Finally…
  • Fascinating Fortnight in MP & UP

    I am sharing our experiences of a long and fascinating road trip we did in MP, UP and Southern Rajasthan recently. We were on road for 15 days exploring Heritage sites, Monuments, Culture, Spirituality…
  • Bad Roads Lead To Good Destinations

    This is one place, you would love to have an auto-enthusiast as a company. If not, a friend, wife or atleast someone who knows driving. What happens when you go with a person, who is twice your age,…
  • In Search of the Haunted Bungalow

    8.30 Am – suddenly, 2 became 4 (no, boss didn’t come along, but 2 other ‘testers’ ) and there we were, driving to Bonacaud to ‘test suspension’ of a Ford Fiesta. Lying almost parallel…
  • The Mahindra Monastery Escape

    I was going to write the usual travelogue on the Mahindra Adventure Monastery Escape but seeing how well the event was covered by Zig Wheels on ET Now, I feel its a better idea to share that video…
  • When I Went Walking To Tibet

    The body was shivering as the limbs were trying hard not to go numb. Chilled air was finding some way to enter thru the six layers of clothing’s I had on me, rain drops were freezing my nose and…
  • Reflections on Wildlife Addictions

    Having updated my visits to the forests in my log Decade old Nostalgia Relived “Tiger’s own land" I decided it was time to get back to the jungles again. So lets begin our journey to Kanha national…
  • A JEEP Journey to Ladakh

    Folks, this is my first travelogue on Teambhp, about my experiences of travelling to Ladakh in July this year with the 'Self Drive Expedition Group' along with my better half. And if you are bored…
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