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  • We Ran the Rann, and Kissed the Ocean

    3200kms, 5 states, Salt flats and an ocean.... all over five days. Yes we finally Ran the Rann. The white elephant stretched her legs again. It was a trip like no other.
  • Civved : Poovar

    Though I lived in Trivandrum for almost 24 years, was never able to make it to places around Trivandrum even for a bike trip. All I had done was a bike trip to Ponmudi. It's a shock to me that I had…
  • A recce travelogue

    Started from Noida on 1st evening at 1900hrs and drove all the way to Jaipur. Reached there at 0030hrs. Intention was to avoid fog disruptions that beset Delhi around this time of the year. Road side…
  • Swifted : Nelliyampathy via Valparai

    It's been a while since we went out for a holiday. Kids just finished their exams and were getting restless with the idea of being at home. And for me and my wife - we just wanted too badly to break…
  • Sariska - Quest fulfilled, Thirst remains

    After the Corbett trip - this travelogue although is being written timely, it should have been preceded by the Ranthambhore travelogue where I had gone during October 2010. I shall be writing the…
  • Civved : Vagamon

    People say, if you have not been to Vagamon, then you have not seen "Gods own Country". Vagamon has a charm to make a person come back again and again. Vagamon is enchanting all through the year,…
  • New Season at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve

    Mostly, National Parks are closed during monsoon and open by October 1, 2011 onwards. However, Tadoba is an exception. So, planned to visit Tadoba during August 14-15, 2011. However, this time Forest…
  • To Darjeeling and some forests of Bengal

    The Idea was to celebrate my return from exile in the United states of America, a land that many consider a land of umpteen opportunities and hence dreams. Those who personally know me, know how much…
  • 3 guys, 3 Bikes and 3,000 kms

    This was one of the trips that I had only dreamt of and now that I have done it, the travelogue that follows looks like a dream. Its one of those feelings when a cloud passes through you, and you…
  • 2 Brothers do Mumbai -> Ladakh in an SX4

    My brother and I completed the greatest roadtrip of our lives. Two weeks from the 2nd to the 16th of August it was just 5000+ kms pure nirvana. I wish to share our experience with all of you. Hope…
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