Hot Threads


  • Thar: 2000 kms & 3 childhood friends

    This is my first thread on Team-Bhp. Went on this trip almost a year ago in Feb 2012. Was meaning to write about this journey soon after, but my laziness got the better of me. Finally, here are my…
  • Motorcycle Trip: Trivandrum to Kodaikanal

    The roads sweltered under the sun, but I don't mind and still want to take that ride once again. The roads were plain and at many places it appeared deserted. For many miles, all we could hear was…
  • Kaziranga - The pride of Assam

    It had been quite some time since I visited the beloved forests of Assam and hence, this time going home for vacation, I decided that I would go and visit Kaziranga, no matter what else I do. Below…
  • Manza’d: 220 kms drive for lunch

    It was a long time since the white whale went on a proper highway drive. The last one was to Conoor Oct 1st week 2012. Both the car and its owner was itching for a drive. So out came an idea of a…
  • Touching the skies at Chikmagalur

    This travelogue isn't going to be as long as some of my others, simply because it was too short a holiday. A 2-day weekend vacation? Isn't that too short, you may ask. Yes and no. Something is better…
  • Friends, 2 Lineas & Wayanad

    It was quite some time I did a trip to the wilderness. With lots of haggling, one 2D - 1N trip was approved. With a bit of research and pondering, the place was decided.
  • A Yezdi : From Pune to Bangalore

    School’s out. For good. And like any good kid, I want to head home. But home isn’t just down the road, it’s way down the highway. About 850km down. Catch a bus man, simple. Airavat never disappoints.…
  • Seven Fortuners & a Sunday Dash

    For sometime now a few T-Fortuner owners, all TBHP members were discussing as to how visually stirring the sight of seven T-Fortuners would be on the road and just parked about.
  • Mahakumbh 2013 - Prayag (Allahabad)

    I stayed in Sangam Tent Colony (UPTDC swiis cottages). The biggest advantage was, there was parking inside so that we parked our car right in front of out tent. Also it was just 1-1.5 km from Sangam…
  • Discover Gujarat : Great Rann of Kutch

    The chill in Delhi was getting worst and with kids winter vacation set in we were again brainstorming for a quick getaway. With limited time 1 week with us we were not able to decide the destination.…
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