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  • Wandering in Ladakh & Spiti

    Little did we know that the name would tower upon the future of our trip. After all, if you have a firm plan and you follow it to the hilt, what's being Yayawar in that? A Yayawar is the one who has…
  • 100% Pure New Zealand

    Plucked straight from a film set or a coffee-table book of picture-perfect scenery, New Zealand is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. 'Wow!' will escape from your lips at least once a day. It’s here that…
  • A Storme in Ladakh

    "Throw four stones into the Indus, else Ladakh will keep calling you back". Those were the major's words that kept ringing in my head as I sat on the banks of Indus, watching it make its way through…
  • Hampi: Story crafted in Stones

    Hello all, I was in Hampi from Thu August 15th - August 18th. This is my third visit to the UNESCO World Heritage site. Earlier, I had been to Hampi in December 2001 and September 2009. This place…
  • To Pondicherry & Mahabalipuram

    Mahabalipuram had always been a destination which intrigued me. Not that I was too much of a religious person. The thought of a temple being constructed by the sea shore and carved out of rock was…
  • 7300 kms, 8 States & a Linea

    To elaborate the title in a short sentence "7298 kms driven through 8 states to catch a glimpse of the paradise". How it all began: Ever since I got the Linea home and Rohit's Leh Trip
  • My rendezvous with India

    After 3 years of in Mumbai. I thought the time had come to move on from my job at a TV network to a more challenging role of an independent film-maker. It was the reason I was there. It meant that…
  • Autobahn: An Idiot's Guide

    And the first one of its kind that I came across was an Idiot’s Guide to Chess. An idiot’s guide to chess I thought!!! … seriously?? Seemed like an oxymoron till I came across more such in the…
  • Varandha Ghat & Shivtharghal

    One day locations around Mumbai/Pune are not difficult to find. Many a times the drive towards the destination is what makes a trip enjoyable. Such was a trip to Varandha ghat and Shivtharghal which…
  • Thailand: All you need to know

    First of all I would like to thank everyone for going through this travelogue. Generally international travels are usually accompanied with tons of pictures but unfortunately I do not have many pictures…
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