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  • The Spiti Expedition, 2013

    The question which comes is “Why do you want to go ?”. In a way it is an important query posed by many and I actually had no definite answer other than mumbling sentences like “ Its Important…
  • 700 years back, 350 kms away (Hampi)

    We wanted to visit Hampi since long time, finally a three day weekend in AUG 13 helped in putting the plan to execution. Initial plan was to start from Bangalore early morning drive Badami, then visit…
  • Munnar, in God's own country

    I have been holed up in Kochi for over two years now. I have been here before too- in short stints of two year stretches. My job is such, that I don't get the good fortune to stay put at one place…
  • 3187 kms across Gujarat

    It all started with a group of my friends going LEH, it all started with me wanting to go with them, it all started when I could not be a part of the convoy, it all started when I could no longer…
  • To Leh in a Fortuner

    What makes it even more special is that they have been 100,000 pleasurable and trouble free Kilometers. I look back on the last 4 years and the many good memories that Obelix has been a part of. Various…
  • Mysore, a Weekend Getaway

    Me and wifey hadn't gone on a long drive for almost a month. One or the other task always played spoilsport and ruined our weekend plans. I always had a preference for a 3-day trip, where as wifey…
  • Kanheri Caves: Quick Getaway

    The title kind of sums up the state of mind as I sat down to pen down this thread. Well, I couldn't call this a 'travelogue', not even by a long stretch of the imagination. Not after having read so…
  • Flipped "C" of Chikmagalur

    Well, to say the least, I have never been able to find the actual name of the mountain ranges north-west of Chikmagalur town in Karnataka, which, apparently, take the shape of a flipped letter "C".…
  • BMW Welt, Museum & Munich Plant

    Was in Munich, Germany for a business visit and had the opportunity to take out a day & visit the WELT, BMW Museum & the Plant (Which is the 1st BMW Plant in the world)
  • Solo-Leh-Tude & my Alto K10

    “Are you crazy?” was the common refrain thrown at me when I talked about my planned trip to Leh. Driving solo through unknown highways, the reputation of the Manali-Leh stretch, the car in question,…
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