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  • Storme flies to Heaven: Ladakh

    I have been drooling on Leh Travelogues for years now, but something or the other always came up and spoiled the plans. This year when Pathan called me up in April to ask if I want to go ahead and…
  • Safari Storme: Chasing the Lama

    And it happened! It was a casual tea time and the dead hearts started speaking about unfulfilled dreams. I was owing a Thar CRDe at that time so we decided to take chance this season and lets see…
  • Trails of a Cyclist

    As far as I can remember about my childhood, the cycle has always been a companion to me. My school days used to be spent roaming around on my Hercules MTB without a concern about anything else. Back…
  • South India on Motorcycles

    I would like to share my South India west-coast ride experience with you guys. Hopefully you would like it. I started riding some time last year in Oct, it was not like I wasn't riding at all,…
  • XUV500: Delhi to Spiti

    We decided to take the route from Chail and as per travel forum recommendations; it was supposed to be picturesque. But we found the road conditions via Chail to be poor & constricted. Due to this,…
  • Ladakh: A laid-back trip

    Six trips to Ladakh in past, this was different, this was with my daughter and wife. They need to see the reason for my so many trips to Ladakh in past. First time in the Ladakh trips, there was…
  • The Farnborough Airshow, UK

    It all started when I received a call from my cousin in mid June to check whether I would be free to attend an airshow in July , planes have always fascinated me since my childhood , during my college…
  • Extreme Expedition, Bicycling

    Ladakh, or La-Dags, the land of many passes, lies on the northern tip of India's frontiers with Pakistan and China. The region was formed some 50 million years ago by the collision of the Indian sub-continental…
  • Julley to Land of High Passes

    I've been a member here for a few months now, with a fair few posts, but I have never attempted to start a thread. This is my first attempt at a travelogue, so I request you to kindly exhibit a little…
  • To 11000 ft, Devbhoomi!

    This travelogue or rather photologue is about 3000 kms roadtrip to the last Indian Village -Mana , to Have tea at the last Indian tea Shop !
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