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  • Into the abode of Shiva

    They say mountains are addictive and it is so true, being born and bought up in the mountains most of my vacations are spent trekking or riding in the Himalayas. In September 2014 I did the Kugti…
  • Solo drive: Mumbai to Hampi

    It wasn't supposed to start off like this, the thread title or the trip i.e. This was to actually be a trip with two people including me embarking on a fun trip to Hampi spanning across 4 days.…
  • Equator: To the center of earth

    The day I reached Quito started off in a miserable fashion. I had finally completed a 36 hour bus journey from Peru (not counting a 3 hour break), my knees were hurting and inflamed from hiking and…
  • 9,500 kms drive across India!

    And so, distinguished co-travellers, moderators, ladies and gentlemen, presenting an approx 9500 kms on the highways across south, west and north India. Majority of the time was in Rajasthan (which…
  • Winter Himachal in a Thar

    The most difficult part of writing a travelogue is gathering the courage to start one! Wrong, for a strictly average photographer like me, even more difficult is to scan through the hordes of pics…
  • A 3,400 km drive to my School

    I have been on Team-BHP for some time and read with fascination the wonderful trips done by people across the length and breadth of the country and even across continents. Always used to wonder what…
  • Bangalore to the West Coast

    Moreover, my wife had told that she would come with me for my next trip and we also thought of taking our daughter after she completes one year. I know, many will call this outrageous but we had…
  • Drive: Laguna Quilotoa, Ecuador

    I recently returned from a two week holiday in South America and the last leg of my trip was in Quito, Ecuador for three days. During that time I decided to take advantage of the excellent roads,…
  • In Kerala with my Ford Aspire

    As is our annual ritual, we normally take 2 weeks vacation during December to cool our heels, lie back and rejuvenate so we can bounce back with renewed energy to keep us going for a brand new year.…
  • New Year at white Sandakphu

    Well, this will be more of a photologue. Doesn't warrant a writing but the sight of this well-known place in these conditions, I would like to share. To start of with a few teaser images.
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