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  • Drive to Goa and Sigandur

    I got married in the year 2014. Though we had been in and around Mysore many a times, a long trip was still a pending project. Finally, time came for a maiden trip with my better half in October 2015.…
  • Exploring Rajasthan in a Bolero

    Rajasthan and specially Jaisalmer holds a very special place in the hearts of the Bengalis, thanks to Satyajit Ray's short story as well as movie Sonar Kella (The Golden Fortress). The plot of the…
  • A road-trip with old pals

    A grainy photograph dug out and dusted off in August brought back a flood of memories! I'm suddenly transported back in time and space. Circa 1995 - 20 years ago. On my first ever long distance roadtrip…
  • In the Lap of Himalayas

    It was not the first time, but enjoying Sikkim in winters has a charm of its own! Even though my financial condition was very weak after the latest Arunachal trip, I couldn't prevent myself from making…
  • In search of migratory birds

    It’s not often when my better half visits her family and I am in B-Mode, Well I was one of the few lucky fellows for ,once in a blue moon would be an understatement. The plan had already struck…
  • XUV500: Mumbai to Sikkim

    I have been an avid follower of the travelogues and have been dreaming of taking out time from the madness of Mumbai life and spend a few days following my passion for driving. I truly believe that…
  • Group Ride to Kotagiri!

    The basic premise of the third weekend overnighter for our Team BHP weekend biking group was as simple as it was evil. Our ride was christened the CCRO (Chida Cant Ride Overnighter), to serve as a…
  • Ride: India, Nepal and Bhutan

    Have always preferred two wheels over four, as four wheels seemed too balanced for my unbalanced thoughts. And India was just perfect for a two wheeler Odyssey, hence I ventured on my Yezdi 250Classic…
  • Julley! Himalayan Spiti Adventure

    Hello again to all the BHPians. After the adrenalin gushing trip over the mighty Sach Pass (4,390 meters) in to the Pattan and Lahaul Valleys of Himachal Pradesh in October last, the next on the itinerary…
  • Beautiful Western Arunachal!

    I have visited many places and closely interacted with the localities. What I have always felt is that a well blend of people, food, scenic beauty and cozy weather together makes the place perfect…
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