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  • Wildlife at Nagarhole & Kabini

    It was almost a month that I did any safaris in Nagarahole and Kabini. News of regular sightings of the Black Panther did not help one bit to keep the urge low. Managed to take a couple of days off…
  • The best beaches of South Goa

    Goa,India’s smallest state located in the South Western region of India is a jewel by itself, visited by large number of domestic and international tourists each year for its beaches , places of…
  • The Ladakh Diaries

    This being the first trip far away from home turf made us a bit nervous and hence, ended up with extensive planning. More than needed to be honest. We started planning in December 2014 and made several…
  • Sandakphu: Pajero, Duster & Thar

    In a momentary and split second decision prompted by wanderlust, and a friend’s proposal to take a Duster AWD and a Thar, I decided to see for myself how my Gangsta (a Full Tone Black 2003 Mitsubishi…
  • Driving Muscle Cars in the US

    Earlier this month I was on a holiday in the US & had the opportunity to drive the Dodge Charger & Ford Mustang on my road trips, so thought of making a video for you guys. The video includes; Driving…
  • Solo drive - Dooars, Jalpaiguri

    Ahoy there ! all the hands here on Tbhp, Huge gratitude to this forum. If it were'nt for this site it would have been very very difficult for me to have done this. I have successfully completed a…
  • Kolkata to North Sikkim

    This travelogue could appear more of a comparative type because I could not stop myself from pondering over the past times when we have visited the same place around the same time of the year in 2013.…
  • Malari Tales: Garhwal Himalayas

    Before advancing with my tale, a little bit about myself. I am a young lawyer hailing from the capital city of Delhi. The biking bug had bitten me in my school days, after reading the first travelogue…
  • Darjeeling in a Fluidic Verna

    We were put up in Hotel Sinclair’s Darjeeling which turned out to be an excellent property. The view of the mighty Kanchenjunga from the rooms and the open restaurant during breakfast was breathtaking.…
  • A Trip to South Korea

    Visit to Korea is normally a very welcome trip,even though I never owned an Hyundai car nor am a fan of its design language. So after last visit in 2013, three years back - there are no visible changes.…
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