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  • XUV500: Drive to Leh Ladakh

    A long pending dream was to drive on my own car to Leh Ladakh. This dream had two major hitches, The first was that my profession keeps me close to the southern coast of India, with Mumbai being the…
  • TUV300: Exploring new KA roads

    Sometimes its important to stand still in order to move ahead. Its an oxymoron of sorts but I have realized that some of life's best experiences often come crashing into your mundane life. Remember…
  • Duster AWD: Ladakh & Siachen

    So here comes another travelogue for the trip that we completed on 19th June. This is the time when Ladakh starts getting filled up by tourists & our travelogue section with Ladakh TLs. With my limited…
  • A Day in Paris

    "The most Romantic City in the world ", "The city of light", "World fashion capital" are some of the titles it has received. Founded in the 3rd century BC by a Celtic people called the "Parisii" the…
  • Ladakh: 2 couples, 2 sedans

    ‘Ladakh Again’! This was the reaction when I popped the proposal of yet another Ladakh trip to my family and friends. But thanks to common friend Arnab Mukherjee (driving from Bangalore), fellow…
  • Tranquillity in a jungle

    It was a nice cloudy Saturday, we had breakfast at home and started at 9:00am from Bannerghatta road. Reached Kanakapura at 10:30am, took deviation towards Sangama. Absolutely no traffic after Kanakapura,…
  • Pseudo Bachelors in Diu

    We are three friends working in Ahmedabad and were frustrated by the chaos and challenges of job and daily life. Apparently our wives moved to their hometown due to kid’s school break and we were…
  • Drive to Yuksom, West Sikkim

    On the evening of Christmas when the city of joy was planning for big day celebration, we riders have set off for an extended weekend trip to West Sikkim. Owing to the tight schedule of only four…
  • Kashmir: A Trip to Jannat

    The usual deliberations followed and with record temperatures soaring on Bangalore it was a no brainer that it had to be a cool destination and preferably drivable on our faithful steed the skoda…
  • Bandipur: In search of Stripes

    It was perhaps the hottest summer ever recorded in Bangalore's history and the proverbial mercury was touching 40 degrees - something we had never experienced ever! Everyday life was becoming monotonous…
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