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  • Trek to Kumara Parvatha

    Total distance of the trek: 27 kms 20 kms on Saturday - Subrahmanya temple to Bhat's House 6 kms (first part of the trek). Forest check post to Kumara Parvata peak 7 kms (second part of the trek).…
  • VW Jetta: To Indore & Udaipur

    I like to make travel plans, and I make plenty of plans. But I don’t necessarily follow them. In fact, most of my memorable trips have been planned at the last minute. This year too I had planned…
  • Glimpses of Odisha & Andhra

    Having done all of my previous road trips solo or with a cousin, I had always managed to get going on schedule or even prior to the scheduled start. But change is constant, and so, for no apparent…
  • 3 friends ride to Ladakh

    The idea for the trip was initiated by my friend Hashim. When he asked me the first time whether I would be interested in joining for a ride to Ladakh, not sure why, but I said yes. Thankfully with…
  • Holiday: Hotel, house or other?

    When you go on a driving holiday, where do you usually stay? In a traditional hotel or in a large resort amidst greenery/open spaces? Here are my general observations regarding these options:
  • New Zealand's South Island

    Hertz is pretty costly but is trouble-free and offers peace of mind. There are other budget operator’s available if you want to save some money. You can drive with a valid Indian License in NZ.…
  • To the art gallery of nature...

    Like other days all four (Me, My Wife and 2 Friends) after a regular day of office work set out for an unplanned drive to North Bengal. Most of the wanderer who has visited Himalayas once is hooked…
  • With a Ford Endeavour in Nepal

    Even though the roads were scary and bad, at no point did we lose confidence in the ford we were driving. This car we took is a stock SUV and no mods have been performed (although I am now looking…
  • Holiday in beautiful California

    After going through so many permutations and combinations, the decision was to fly to Las Vegas and then drive from there to SFO all the way through Death Valley, Yosemite and then SFO of course.…
  • The Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary

    t’s that time of the year when we are ready to pack our bags and head to an exotic destination. One of the perks of getting married in July (which you realize much later in life) is that we get…
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