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  • Grandeur of Andhra & Telangana

    There are many famous pilgrimage sites commonly visited by most. However there are so many lesser known temples in remote locations, less frequented. In our quest on these lines we have travelled…
  • Delhi BHPians drive to Sambhar

    A long drive+meet was long due since the Jodhpur drive+meet. Our initial plan was to do a Delhi-Bikaner-Delhi lunch drive in couple of cars. Bikaner is almost 500 kms from Delhi, given that we all…
  • Tiger spotting @ Kabini

    I'd like to visit more often, but there are too many considerations in the way, not least financial. However, this time there was an added relevance to the visit. I caught up with my primary school…
  • Family Trip to North India

    By mid-February, got delivery of my Baleno after a waiting period of one month. It's a Delta 1.2 variant with ‘Autumn Orange' color. What first came to mind was to go for a North India road trip.…
  • To Darjeeling and West Sikkim

    t was so quick that I didn't even get the time to change my office uniform before the journey and asked my driver to bring the Thar directly to my office. I prefer the Thar as a 2-seater for a long…
  • Koothankulam Bird Sanctuary

    "Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive." In our case, we live to drive, don't we? The elders were getting bored and wanted to go on a drive. The initial plan was…
  • Pondicherry in a V-Cross

    Since we have been to the Himalayas last year (Mukteshwar) and the Jungles (Kanha) we decided to change the scenery and visit a coastal location. Another reason for not opting for the mountains is…
  • Drive: Soul of a Solivagant

    From the kid who would lock the door and windows at evenings as lightings came along with summer showers, he grew to a teen who got fascinated by lightings, those streaks that lit up world around…
  • Solo Ride on an Avenger

    A solo ride on my bike was really a very long awaited task of joy just lying there in the cold storage begging to be executed. I bought the Avenger 220 for the purpose of travelling long distances…
  • To Dalma, Dimna & Tatanagar

    Some might think that why this travelogue on Dalma, Dimna & Jamshedpur ? That also for an overnighter !! Yes, a travelogue which reveals some unseen places to eat and explore the area more deeply.…
Redlining the Indian Automotive Scene