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  • Terracotta temples of Bishnupur

    The idea to visit the temples of Bishnupur did not come from me but from my parents, specifically from one of my father's high school friends. They still have a small group of friends who meet almost…
  • Cycling to Sach Pass...

    This is the travelogue cum photologue cum videologue of our cycling ride to Sach pass & cliffhanger route. Almost every year we do a long bike riding tour. In ‘18 it was Sach, before that Pachmarhi…
  • Driven: Mumbai to South India

    2866.7 kms covered in total over 11days. It was an amazing experience, travel does make you richer with experience. Thank you to the members who had provided tips while I was planning the trip. Thank…
  • Garchumuk under the umbrellas

    Our great road-trip gang after due consideration and weighing in among several destinations came up with the idea of visiting Garchumuk which is around 70 KM from Kolkata, in the Howrah District of…
  • To Kibithu and Kaho, AP

    A drive to the eastern frontier. This was in the planning stage for quite sometime now. Came close once or twice, we had almost finalised it in December 2017, but at the last moment we came to know…
  • 9-day holiday in Sikkim

    Sikkim wasn't even the first choice of our vacation destination. With limited time, we started scrounging TripAdvisor, various trip reports before deciding on our itinerary. Flight tickets were booked,…
  • To Taki, near Bangladesh border

    We locked on Taki on the banks of river Ichamati which is around 70 Kms from the city and takes an estimated time of a little over 2 hours to reach, its on the border of Bangladesh. The time to reach…
  • Italy, New York City & Ontario!

    There are 3 things I thoroughly enjoy: Automobiles, Food and Travelling. Last year I had the opportunity the combine all three and take an amazing vacation. My wife and I needed to go to Toronto,…
  • With Michelin in South Africa

    During the beginning of March 2019, Team-BHP received an invite from Michelin for their “South Africa Passion Experience” (to be held in first half of April). Yours truly was nominated to represent…
  • Driven: Bangalore to Bhutan

    I think the sheer thought of driving 6000 kms is quite daunting and specially for family members for whom 8 to 10 hours drive is quite long already, the thought of driving all the way to Bhutan and…
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