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  • Kopeshwar: The Angry Lord

    Near Kolhapur, MH, the quaint village of Khidrapur lies on the banks of the river Krishna, which demarcates the administrative boundary between MH and KA. Settled centuries ago, it is like the numerous…
  • How to travel with precautions

    This thread of mine accounts three such recent outings made between June 2020 and August 2020. To the readers I will not portray this post as a Travelogue and neither will I encourage others to…
  • Driven: Pondicherry & Mysore

    The initial plan for Pondicherry was extended to include Ooty and Kushalnagar as well. It was a week long plan and included two night stays at each of the places mentioned and one day was kept for…
  • Europe for 2 lakhs / person

    We had a very limited budget, approx. 2L per person for the entire trip inc transport, hotels, event tickets, etc. We were to use only public transport for moving around each city because we were…
  • Holiday: Living in the car?

    have always wanted to do a road trip for a few days, where we live in the car itself for the entire duration of the road trip and basically do all on own, including cooking food/tea. I think it will…
  • Road-trip to Baranti, WB

    Every year we try to have a drive to nearby weekend destination for a day or two & spend quality time together. Last year our destination was Baranti which is 250 odd kms from Kolkata. Baranti is…
  • My surprising visit to Pakistan

    The point of writing this thread is not to praise or glorify Pakistan, sure it's got it's share of problems and it's for the world to see what they are into but what we must learn from them, is that…
  • Road-trip in a Ford Freestyle

    Determined not to give up this time, I decided to go to Chitradurga. Researched about it and saw people visiting the beautiful windmills. I had crossed this place a couple of times, once while driving…
  • Photologue: Disneyland, Florida

    Parents taking their Children to Disneyland is an example of good Parenthood, but what to say when it is the Children taking their Parents to Disneyland ? Yes !! I am one of those lucky one who has…
  • Dubai Trip, Drives & Car Vault

    Naturally, a vacation to Dubai would have been on top of the list. But then, for my first international vacation last year - we chose another Indian favourite - Thailand. The lady wanted a vacation…
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