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  • Sach Pass on an Xpulse 200

    I just wanted to take a break from work without worrying too much about route etc. Another reason could be that I had a friend in Chamba on whom I was relying to help me out with route etc as he was…
  • How to road-trip with an infant

    Ever since I started going on shorter drives or even longer road trips with my kid from his infant days I had been in search of a Precise and Comprehensive list to follow on what to carry vs what…
  • Driven: Delhi to Kolkata

    I did this trip over 29th-30th August. With the offices not scheduled to open anytime soon, we decided to head home so that we can at least have some company. Also, we hadn't stepped outside our locality…
  • Coffee Country in a red BMW

    Like all of you on this forum, I do a lot of weekend drives. However, not every drive is memorable. In fact, many of these "routine" trips are forgotten soon. However, sometime, somehow, a few ingredients…
  • 4000 km drive with my dog

    In December-January 2019 I drove to Guwahati from Delhi with Sultan, my dog. He has made several trips to Uttarakhand and Himachal with the family, but this was our first solo trip. Once in Assam,…
  • Drive to Sambalpur, Odisha

    We figured out that, a drive from Kolkata to Sambalpur is close to 700 odd kms which would take us roughly 16 hours. Well, driving 16 hours straight and then starting for another strenuous 16 hours…
  • A circuitous BLR-TVM drive!

    The year was 2015. We had driven down to Bangalore from Thiruvananthapuram. When it was time to return, we had three free days at hand. We decided to drive back via Mysuru and Wayanad. We had no firm…
  • Jeep Compass: Indore to Delhi

    We started from Delhi at 1PM. The moment we were to sat in our cars, it started pouring, so bad as if a cloud had burst or something. A certain part of me was connected to this Delhi home, and moving…
  • Pune to Delhi solo drive

    I wanted to share the story of a migrant, whose destiny took him to Pune to work there. Like many migrants they were visiting home town for the Holi festival when pandemic struck and lock downs happened.…
  • Kondapalli & Mulapadu Forests

    I was at Vijayawada, the city my father is currently working as a DGM at AAI. Never been to any nearby place but always heard about the place Kondapalli. Though visiting my all-time favorite Maredumilli…
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