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  • Audi Q5 picnic, camping & farm

    Would like to share some day trip picnic, off-roading during the pandemic when travel was restricted, concluding series: Height of pandemic, bored at home for too long. Finally, interstate traffic…
  • Raigunj, Darjeeling & Pelling

    I always love to move around Hills, say it in Northeast India, North Bengal or North India. Due to several travel restrictions, we opted for safe travel within the state. As I stay in Kolkata, so…
  • Kalimpong and Murti diaries

    It’s in that direction that we decided to venture off to the hills of Kalimpong during the third weekend of August. The hills have a separate charm during the monsoons, only point of worry was the…
  • Driving versus taking a flight

    I have since realised that for multi-point journeys, flights in India are not all that efficient. Add the 1 hour pre-boarding, the trips to the airports at source and destination, occasional flight…
  • Visit to Pacherla Jungle Camp

    Chelama, and its adjoining stations, Gazulapalli (towards Nandyala) and Diguvametta (towards Giddalur) were remote in existence especially during the yesteryear, when the erstwhile Metre Gauge line…
  • Fun roads with my Range Rover

    Since I purchased it in March 2020 (second hand), I had never got a opportunity to drive it around corners and hence picked it for this trip. Did it prove to be a good choice for such roads? The answer…
  • 2 Skodas, Hampi & Laziness

    One long weekend, two Skodas and Hampi! Even though the weather was going to be far from ideal for Hampi, the idea of spending the long weekend at home appeared sinful.
  • Kabini - My favourite images

    I have curated a set of 40+ images from a large collection. These are the images I like most, sometimes for the story behind them, sometimes for the images themselves, sometimes for the sheer rarity…
  • Ayodhya Hills in a BMW X1

    With West Bengal restrictions getting extended every time & the never ending night curfews, we decided to drop that plan. We needed something with a comparatively shorter drive. This is when our friend,…
  • Road-trips around Bangalore

    Hence, am looking for suggestions around Bangalore where driving on hills would not be a requirement - which seem hard to come by if I look around in the internet. Mysore is one suggestion but it…
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