
Tesla has the highest customer retention rate in the industry

S&P Global's study reports that Tesla dominates the loyalty metrics in the Nomad segment.

According to a new study by US-based S&P Global, Tesla has the highest customer retention rate compared to any other carmaker.

As per the study, car buyers can be classified into three categories: Super Loyalists, Loyalists & Nomads. As the name suggests, Super Loyalists are customers who repeatedly buy from the same brand, while Loyalists have a history of repeating brands. Nomads, on the other hand, are customers who have no loyalty and are more likely to switch brands each time they are in the market for a new car.

Now, according to the data, 80% of Tesla owners are Nomads. However, this isn't too surprising, considering that Tesla is a relatively new company. Having said that, what's interesting is a subset of Nomads called "One and done" - referring to customers who own a brand once and leave. While the industry's "One and done" rate stands at 58%, Tesla's stands at just 39%, indicating that around 60% of the brand's customers will replace their existing vehicle with another Tesla.

S&P Global Mobility's Associate Director of Consulting, Erin Gomez, stated that apart from creating new products in various segments, carmakers are also finding other ways to increase loyalty in the Nomads segment. She added that by understanding the loyalty makeup of their customers and where Nomads are going, automakers can take a more targeted approach to retain them.

S&P Global's study reports that Tesla dominates the loyalty metrics in the Nomad segment. A previous study also reported that Tesla topped the list of having the most satisfied customers in the auto industry.

Source: Teslarati



Got my 2023 Tesla Model 3 Performance: Delivery process experience

Believe you me, I paid the money through Tesla app “In-Flight” on my way back to Seattle and it was transferred instantly through their Plaid system.

BHPian mobike008 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

2023 Tesla Model 3 Performance-Delivered:

Happy Diwali to all in advance - Couldn't get any better time for delivery of a new car.

Well, it so happened that delivery date kept moving and always with some crazy wide date ranges. In my particular case, the delivery date moved 7-8 times since I booked the car in July’2022.

As my luck would have it, delivery confirmation happened when this entire week I was in Dallas, TX.

I got a text on Oct 19th late afternoon (I was 2 hours ahead in CST timezone) giving me options for delivery for literally 3 days- App grays out all other calendar days:

  • Oct 19th
  • Oct 20th
  • Oct 21st

I was like, what the heck !!

According to others including my cousin sis whom I met in Dallas in this trip- they got a Y in May'2022 and went through a lot of drama as their delivery date was scheduled on day they were traveling to India. LOL!!

It is take it or leave it situation. I was super busy in client meetings and wining and dining them and in between I was calling my bank doing paperwork (which didn’t work, btw) so switched my finance strategies which made the purchase of M3P literally in a few minutes.

Believe you me, I paid the money through Tesla app “In-Flight” on my way back to Seattle and it was transferred instantly through their Plaid system.

I still cannot believe we live in this kind of technology advancement. Whew !!!

I preponed my flight by a day and got back home late night on Thursday and scheduled delivery the next day.

We (along with couple of my colleagues) reached the Tesla Delivery Center on scheduled time and signed exactly in 3 places and delivery formalities were completed.Voila, as easy as that!!

It took less than 3 minutes to close our transaction. And, she was OUR’s.

Before accepting delivery in app, we all did a through check of the car (Lot's of Tesla horror stories on build quality) but, thankfully we got ours "unblemished" with < 5 miles on the odometer.

Final Screen where all tasks/steps are completed in the Tesla App:

Lot's of beautiful confettis fall when you accept the delivery of the car:

Here is our beauty..guess what - it is a 2023 Tesla Model 3 Performance:

P.S : A big shout out to LexusES350 and Carthik1000 for answering all my dumb questions through the process.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.



What changes do the 3 latest software updates on my Tesla Model 3 bring

The Tesla phone app now provides notifications if you forgetfully left a door open.

BHPian carthick1000 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Software Updates - 2 minor and 1 major

In the last 4 weeks, there have been 3 software updates. The minor ones were not very interesting, but the major one is a quite useful and insightful update.

2022.28.1 & 2022.28.2

These 2 have been minor updates improving the Theater mode and Portuguese voice navigation. The Theater mode update is quite useful as when you are watching something at a supercharger stop, you can minimize and look at what charging % you are at or any other things you want to check. This was not possible earlier.

(NOTE: 2022.28.2 is just a bug fix on 2022.28.1 and hence had the same release notes)


As mentioned earlier, this update brings some insights into energy usage, some useful features to the phone app and additional info about supercharger locations.

Energy App

Earlier when planning a trip, using the energy app we can see the efficiency graph only. But with this update, the efficiency along with energy usage while driving and parking (2 extra tabs) is given with a bit more insight into which components consumed what % of energy. Also how your driving behaviour influences energy based on trip energy projection Vs actual usage chart. This is very handy. Also, Tesla gives some tips to improve range.

Based on the display selection % SoC or Range in km, the values are given in % or km. The below 2 shots are after a short trip this evening. As you can see, Tesla didn't like my aggressive accelerations and it is tipping me to be gentle on A-pedal.

Cabin overheat protection

Earlier you can configure to turn the cabin overheat protection ON or OFF. This turns on the Airco when the cabin exceeds 40degC when parked. With this update, this temperature is now configurable instead of a fixed 40degC.

Tesla phone App

When you plan a destination in the car navigation, now the Tesla phone app shows the ETA. This is quite useful as sometimes when me or my wife are using the car, the other person can check when we will be home without bothering to make a call while driving. After using this for the last 2 days, me and my wife find it very useful.

Also, you can see what media is being played in the car. Not much useful, but still a nice-to-have feature.

The phone app also now provides notifications if you forgetfully left the door open. This is a rare occurrence, as always the doors lock when the phone Bluetooth gets disconnected / out of the car's range. But it happens when you leave (with your phone) away from the car and someone else is getting out using the other doors (like kids) and forget to close the door.

Supercharger locations - Additional info

On the car navigation, when you select the supercharger navigation, now the historical site occupancy data and elaborate charging fees (i.e. peak and off-peak rates) are also displayed. Earlier there was no site occupancy detail and only a fixed charge price is shown. With some modifications to peak and off-peak energy pricing, this is now visible in the navigation and the site occupancy helps you to avoid any overcrowded chargers on the way.

And an additional language - Lithuanian Sveiki also supported

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.



Tesla owner implants chip in hand to unlock EV

Dalaly is part of a group of 100 people using the chip for beta testing, before being released to the public.

Brandan Dalaly, a Tesla owner, has implanted a small chip into his right hand which allows him to lock and unlock his EV. The EV owner recently released a video on social media showing him getting a chip implanted in his hand and then using it to unlock his car.

The chip is said to be called Vivokey Apex and uses NFC technology. Dalaly is part of a group of 100 people using the chip for beta testing, before being released to the public. The company is said to have its own app store, allowing the chip to install multiple apps wirelessly - including the Tesla Key Card App, which is what Dalaly uses to unlock his car.

Dalaly stated that the chip and the implant cost him $400. He is said to have gotten it done by a professional piercer and was said to be similar to a subdermal piercing.

Reports suggest that this, however, isn't the first time the Tesla owner has gotten such a chip implanted. Dalaly is said to have another chip on his left hand, which acts as a key to his home and also stores all his important digital documents including his contact info, medical information, his portfolio and some others.

Source: Teslarati



Ordered my Tesla Model 3 Performance: Unique online booking experience

This is probably the simplest & best experience of buying a car as there are nos hassles of middle men and there is no haggling. With Tesla, what you see is what you get.

BHPian mobilke008 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Tesla Model 3 Performance- Booking Experience.


I have been keeping an eye out in the market to add a second car to our garage ever since I returned the Mazda CX-9 which served us very well. Due to the Pandemic it's mostly WFH, we don’t really need a second car but, for some reason there was a strong urge since last few months to add an EV to the garage to complete an ICE + EV Garage Portfolio.

I love to drive and do long distances at the drop of a hat. As an example, I have been averaging roughly about 2000 miles per month over the last 5 years (Including my rental car driving that constitutes about 20% of my total driving due to work related travel). During my stint in the east coast, I used to travel almost twice in a month and would always rent a car when the distances were 800 miles or less.

When the thought came to add a second car, multiple “type” of cars cycled through my mind starting from muscle cars (Challenger being my most favorite, Mustang, Camaro etc), rally bred cars (WRX STI, GTI, Focus RS etc) to trucks (fell in love with them when I drove a Dodge Ram).

After driving a BMW, it’s hard to enjoy the above type of cars except maybe the rally bred cars as you are used to a certain luxury, brand and smooth power delivery. I like to look forward in life and not backwards as some of the cars listed above would have been great choices maybe half a decade ago but, not in this age.

With that said, I decided to look forward which meant it has to be a fully electric vehicle and initially, it was a no brainer to get a TESLA. But, I was not too happy with its monopoly and absolute craze and fan following of Tesla owners worldwide.

I was hell-bent to find a competitor who are at least on par and if not similar driving experience as choosing what's popular or a herd mentality is not my style. I will commit to only something that blows my mind.

Thus, started my journey and I was clear that it has to be a performance oriented EV and keep a strict budget of $60,000 landing price. With that in mind, I shortlisted the following and decided to test drive them in order:

  • Polestar 2
  • Kia EV6
  • Tesla Model Y Performance
  • Tesla Model 3 Performance

Over the last few months, I test drove all of the above starting with Polestar 2 and Kia EV 6. While both cars are pretty good and there is hard to find fault in them but, they just didn’t feel special or gave a “wow feeling when driven hard despite being powerful cars with 400HP and 325 HP versions.

Besides that, they just didn’t feel worth the $60,000-$70,000 landing price. Well, I briefly considered test driving a BMW i4 M50 but, it starts at $75,000 and knowing BMW by the time I build the car that I like, it will be north of $90K which is simply out of my budget.

Polestar 2- Brief Test Drive Report

Kia EV6 GT Line-Brief Test Drive Report

Well, I reluctantly decided to reconsider TESLA.

It was a simple shortlist of choosing a Y or 3. As S and X models are over a hundred grand and is a dream for now. After the model shortlist, next came the variant shortlist.

My single track mind focuses only on performance which unfortunately is the highest end variant costing a bomb.

The EV rebate is discontinued a couple of years ago after Tesla crossed 200,000 units. Either-ways, it is not applicable to their models that cost > $50,000.

I almost decided to cancel the whole plan of buying an EV after getting to know the final landing price as it was ridiculously high.

a) Tesla Model Y which was my initial shortlist costs a whopping $85,000 with all taxes and fees included in WA.

b) Tesla Model 3 Performance costs an equally eye-popping $75,000 with all taxes and fees included in WA.

I was now in a quandary to move forward or completely pause. I decided to take it step-by-step as I was not in a rush to buy anything and decided to do some exhaustive test drive both models.

I started with their most popular (in the current market scenario) Model Y.

Here is the link to my test drive report of a YP that I kept overnight.

I was completely blown by the Tesla Model Y. During this process, I reached out to BHPian Carthick1000 and we had one super long chat and kept in touch via. Text and he was very helpful and patiently answered all my questions that gave me confidence to look at Tesla seriously.

I also spoke to BHPian LexusES350 briefly and being a new owner, he was floored with Tesla Model Y ownership experience and had nothing but positive things to say about his ownership.

Patience is not one of my virtues (lol !!) so within 2-3 test drives of Model YP and speaking to Carthik1000, I went ahead and placed an order for Tesla Model 3 Performance.

Order was placed without even driving the Performance model knowing confidently 2 things for sure:

Being a sedan, It will drive better than a Model Y.

I will save some dough as it will cost me $10,000 less and we already have an SUV so sedan is an appropriate choice.

Here is a quick process of “How to Order” a Tesla online.

This is probably the simplest & best experience of buying a car as there are no middle men and there is no haggling (If you ever bought auto in US, you would know the car salesmen are the most notorious for fooling customers in paying a higher price)

With Tesla, no such hassle. What you see is what you get !!!

Visit and choose the model and place an order by paying a order fee of $250.

It used to be bit complicated until 2022 with respect to the models on offer. Now they made it simple and Tesla Model 3 is offered in 3 different variants.

Here is a give break-down of the Tesla Model 3 variants on offer:

  • Tesla Model 3 (Rear Wheel Drive and Single Motor) which is the base model of Tesla and pumps out a healthy 275 horsepower which is claimed as Tesla does not quote horsepower figures. This is delivered through it’s 50KWH battery pack and does 0-60mph in quick 5.6 seconds and has a decent claimed range of 267 miles (420kms)

This starts at $41,000 USD and is cheapest Tesla one can buy.

  • Tesla Model 3 (AWD and Dual Motor) is 2nd variant of Tesla Model 3 and probably the most popular as this is their “Long Range Model” and has a claimed range of an astonishing 334 miles (550kms) and does a 0-60 in a blistering 4.2 seconds has a 350 HP from its 75KWH battery pack . The is the highest selling model of Tesla Model 3 from these 3 variants.

This variant starts at $52,000 USD.

There is an interesting “Acceleration Boost” on offer by Tesla for a mere $2000 which can shave off the long range’s acceleration by 0.5 seconds to 3.7 seconds.

  • Tesla Model 3 Performance (AWD and Dual Motor) which is popularly known as M3P is their performance version and has a decent claimed range of 315 miles (500kms).

M3P 0-60mph is in supercar level at an eye-popping and brain squishing 3.1 seconds.

M3P differentiates itself from its siblings in the following manner:

  • 500 HP.
  • Lowered Suspension tuned for performance.
  • 21” Ubertine Wheels.
  • Powerful Brembo Brakes with Red Calipers.
  • Carbon Fiber Spoiler.

M3P starts at $57,000 USD.

For an additional 5 grand you get a slightly lower range but, all the above performance goodies so it was a no-brainer for me to choose the M3P.

I’m particular about colors. Certain colors are associated with a certain brand. BMW for me is always Blue, Ferrari has to be Red, Lamborghini started it’s journey with Yellow and similarly, for me Tesla has to be Red (Despite, its steep $2000 add-on price just for the color). Other OEM’s charge typically $500 for a color choice. Well, It’s a Tesla and they call the shots.

At the next step, you choose the interior color. Black is standard, White comes at $1,000 premium. I saw both colors and have never been a fan of black interiors as it gives me a gloomy feeling. Wish Tesla had more color choices but, I settled for white which looks gorgeous and goes so well with red exteriors.

Once the above is completed, next is to choose the autonomous packages which has been steadily increasing from $8000 to $12,000. However, majority of folks who order a Tesla do not order the Full Self Driving (FSD) as it can be also bought as a monthly subscription of $200/month which can be ordered and cancelled at anytime. It would be useful to get it during long highway trips and then cancel it within the month.

Final screen prompts to choose from 3 different options of purchasing the Tesla.

  • Cash
  • Finance
  • Lease

I would have chosen lease if there was an option to buy it back at end of lease as that is best way to buy a vehicle in US as residual value (Negotiable) at the end of 3-years is already locked on Day 1.

However, Tesla does not allow “Buy-Back” options of their cars at the end of a lease period which is a strategic move by them as Tesla's are known to hold their value much higher than ICE vehicles. Many folks didn't know this and opted for lease falling for the lower monthly payments. It was a rude shock for them at the end of lease period when they decided to keep the car.

Thankfully, I got to know about this as there is nowhere it explicitly mentions this and if you aren't careful then will end up with an expensive mistake. Hence, I chose to finance the car.

Next step, make a “non-refundable” payment of $250 ($1,050 if you add the mobile charger and adapter to the order).

Voila!! Your Tesla order is placed. They keep sending you messages and we can check the Tesla App regularly to see the delivery date which unfortunately keeps changing as there is a huge waiting period for most Tesla’s.

Typical wait period of Long Range is 5-6 months which is what 90% of customers order and minority like us who order the performance model get their cars little bit sooner (2-3 months).

As you can see from below screenshots, In last two weeks since I booked the car, I have seen 3 different delivery dates.

Initially it was between August’22 to Sep’22.

With a few weeks, it changed to November’22-December’22

Thankfully it recently got updated to Sep 11th-Oct 16th, 2022 and keeping fingers crossed it should be delivered by end of September’2022.

Since I have lot of time on hand waiting for the M3P to arrive. I decided to test drive the car and it impressed me lot more than the Tesla Model Y and it gave me a satisfaction that my blind leap of faith was not entirely in the wrong direction. Here is the report of my M3P Test Drive experience.

I am excited and counting the days to start my EV journey with our new Tesla Model 3 Performance.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.



Europe: Stellantis beats Tesla in EV sales, challenges VW

Tesla's quarterly sales figures fell to their lowest in two years.

Stellantis is said to have overtaken Tesla in electric vehicle sales in Europe during the first half of 2022. According to reports, Stellantis managed to slot itself in the second position, easily beating Tesla in terms of sales volume, while trailing behind Volkswagen, which continued to dominate the EV segment.

Carlos Tavares, CEO, Stellantis, stated that the company is now looking to fight for the top spot of BEV sales in the European market. The conglomerate managed to register sales of 105,413 units in the first six months of 2022, compared to Volkswagen, which sold 116,307 units. Tesla, however, sold 78,227 units during the same period.

The success of Stellantis was led by their electric Fiat 500 offering. The small electric hatchback managed to register sales of 32,315 units in the first half - a 72% increase compared to the same period last year. The electric Fiat 500 was also the best-selling EV in Italy & Germany during the second quarter of 2022. Other important models for Stellantis were the Peugeot e-208 and Opel Corsa-e, both of which, managed to sell 21,918 units and 13,380 units, respectively.

Tesla's quarterly sales figures fell to their lowest in two years. The reason for the drop in sales was mainly attributed to the lockdown in China during the early part of the year. Having said that, the Tesla Model Y with 39,969 units has managed to retain its title of being the best-selling EV in Europe. The Tesla Model 3, on the other hand, registered a 25% drop in sales with 38,280 units.

With the lockdown in China now lifted, Tesla is said to make a comeback in the second half of 2022. However, Stellantis has a number of new products lined up, which could help boost its sales.

Source: Automotive News



Tesla Model 3 Performance: Impressions after an hour-long test drive

It’s just not legal for a car to be this fast and be driving around public roads in that unassuming guise.

BHPian mobike008 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Tesla Model 3 Performance Test Drive Report (2022 Model)

When I test drove the Model Y Performance, I was bowled by its performance as well as handling. Admittedly, the ride was slightly on the harder side but, nothing to complain about.

But, when Inwebster posted about his unhappy experience with a Model Y, I was taken aback as it was exactly opposite to what I felt. I mean, the Y felt decently planted, had good handling for a large SUV and performance was blistering.

I decided to test drive the affordable “supercar” in their lineup— Yup, the Tesla Model 3 Performance

I called my friendly Tesla Pal - Jason who gets me into a test drive faster than I can say “Test Drive” to hook me up for a test drive.

I had called him on Saturday and told him I am scheduled to be in that area on Monday (August 1st) as I had to drop off my BMW for service. His immediate response was what time you want to come in I told him 10:00 am on Monday (August 1st, 2022) and he confirmed the TD appointment immediately.

When I reached the Tesla showroom, he told me he got a brand new (< 1 Month) old 2022 Model 3 Performance for my test drive. It was charged to 270 miles and ready to go.

I never had a better experience with any dealership in my life to date. His actions and service are faster than the acceleration of Tesla Model 3 Performance. And, I did tell him that and we both had a good laugh. LOL!

Super happy with his service as he was not selling me a car, he was selling me an experience.

While Tesla gives a 1-hour as a standard test drive, Jason winked at me and said, take it for a longer spin and come back in 3 hours as he had no other appointment that morning being a Monday. But, I had to get back to work myself but, I still took the Model 3 Performance for 1.5 hours spin and drove over all surfaces and roads.

I will keep my review short as I had already outlined my feedback on Tesla Model Y Performance and will focus on the differences between the Tesla Model Y Performance and Tesla Model 3 Performance

Model Y Performance vs Model 3 Performance


Model Y Performance was blistering fast and felt like you are being launched into the air. But, the Model 3P left me shocked and scared witless as it reaches the speed limit (speed locked to 85 mph) in a blur.

It’s just not legal for a car to be this fast and be driving around public roads in that unassuming guise.

The acceleration difference between the MYP and M3P while on paper is not much (0-60mph in 3.5 Seconds vs 0-60mph in 3.1 seconds), in reality, you can feel the difference due to :

  1. Lower Center of Gravity
  2. Seating Position
  3. 305 lbs lighter

I’m not new to powerful engines and drive a 4-second 0-60mph BMW but, M3P acceleration left me absolutely speechless and if you are not careful or judge the distance between you and the car ahead, it can be disastrous.

Steering and Handling

The steering feels overtly heavy but, is accurate and well weighted, with three different settings that adjust the level of steering effort. It’s pretty sharp like MYP, M3P changes directions quickly and with just with a flick of the steering wheel input.

Handling is lithe and lots better than the MYP which itself is not a slouch in this department.

Model 3 Performance has all the advantages of being a sedan. A lower centre of gravity, larger 21” Ubertine wheels, and Sticky tyres make the car feel driven in supercar territory.

A simple google search list the following cars that are “slower” than an M3P. I was not aware and was shocked to see some of my favourite cars on that list.


Ride quality n M3P was slightly harder than the MYP. I felt the imperfections of some of the backroads seep through the cabin but when on the freeway, the ride becomes smooth.

In short, if I was looking for a hard-core performance that knocks the socks of sports cars that cost 2 or even 3 times its cost, I would get the Tesla Model 3 Performance eyes closed.

Here are some pics of the Model 3 Performance that I test drove. It was a super-fun experience thanks to Jason.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.



Audi India seeks import duty cut on electric cars

Audi currently offers the e-tron, e-tron Sportback, e-tron GT and the RS e-tron GT in India.

After Tesla, now Audi wants the government of India to slash the import duty on electric cars. The carmaker has sought a 3-5 year relaxation on the import of luxury EVs.

Audi believes that the import duty on EVs should be fixed at 5%, instead of the 200% that is currently charged on all imported cars. A 3-5 year window would enable the carmaker to test more global models in India and eventually be locally assembled.

Audi India head, Balbir Singh Dhillon further added that the company is not seeking permanent relaxation of import duty as it respects the government’s intention to promote localisation. That being said, a temporary relief would be crucial to make a viable business case in order to bring more EVs from Audi’s global portfolio into India.

At present, Audi offers four all-electric models in India. These include the e-tron, e-tron Sportback, e-tron GT and the RS e-tron GT. Prices start at Rs 1.01 crore (ex-showroom).

Source: ET Auto



2022 Tesla Model Y Performance: Spending a day with the brilliant EV

It was a great feeling in the Polestar 2 and Kia EV 6. But the Tesla's acceleration is at a completely different level.

BHPian mobike008 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Tesla Model Y Performance- 2022 Model

Let's start the thread with some positives and negatives.


  • Eye-popping acceleration (especially in the performance model)
  • Battery technology (Proved to last until 200K miles with 94% battery used)
  • Loaded with technology & gizmos
  • Full self-driving and Auto Pilot capabilities
  • Excellent performance
  • Broad network of superchargers and decent charging timelines
  • Every Tesla vehicle has achieved NHTSA 5-star safety rating


  • Tesla's design is subjective and not liked by all
  • Quality issues like panel gaps, rattles, and paint issues is a common problem. (They are improving but, one odd issue is always found by owners)
  • Interior quality is not equivalent to the price paid
  • Lack of an instrument cluster is quite distracting
  • Lack of ambient lighting inside the cabin at night takes getting used to
  • Expensive-price has been steadily rising every few months since the launch
  • Tesla’s insurance is expensive compared to ICE cars
  • Tesla repairs are exorbitant

I’m not sure if you read my recent post on driving a Tesla Model 3 (Basic Model) that I test drove a couple of weeks ago. Here is the link to that post.

A quick background, I have driven the Tesla several times with the first being a Model X back in 2018, a Model 3 (a few times in past) and once a Model Y in 2020. However, all those times I was in a different state of mind and drove them just to enjoy the experience and never drove it from an enthusiast perspective nor from a perspective of a buyer.

As is human nature, you start showing interest in something only if you are considering acquiring it.

Frankly speaking, we don't have a real need for another car but, I was thinking it's finally time that I add an EV to our garage to complete an ICE & EV Portfolio.

Over the last few months, I have driven the following EVs to get a hang of what's out there in the market.

As you know, both these cars are expensive EVs and buzzing with praises on the internet by several reviewers. In my opinion, they are great choices for EV buyers with a budget of $60,000. However, after driving my BMW, I am rather spoilt with some great driving characteristics and a really powerful engine. Due to this factor, I am not easily impressed with most cars that I have driven over the last 1.5 years because my BMW is now a benchmark for me personally and would like the next car to be as impressive as BMW or better.

If you have followed my ownership reports on the forum (Have plenty of them on both cars and motorcycles), all those purchases have been purely from the heart and I have decided to buy an auto only if it struck a chord with me and usually most of my purchases have been impromptu including my BMW. With this purchase, I decided to change my buying modus operandi and think strategically and more importantly buy from a long-term perspective as I seem to lose interest in my vehicles after 2-4 years at maximum.

Both Polestar 2 and EV 6 GT Line (Top of the specs line) were nice to drive but, it left me wanting for more. I’m looking for an exhilarating experience when I sit behind the wheel and neither of these cars gave me that feeling.

I recently test drove the Tesla Model 3 (RWD Version) and it was an amazing experience and came close to what I was looking for. It was a base version and also despite the fact that TD vehicles of Tesla come locked at 85mph for top speed, it was a very nice experience. As per clarification provided by Tesla sales person, top speed lock at 85mph does not rob us of the acceleration joy that Teslas are famous for which was a big relief.

I was working with Jason who is a sales rep at Tesla Showroom in Seattle (uDUB area) and he was an amazing guy. I did a TD of the 3 just because I had some time to kill and was in that area that particular day of the weekend and he was really amazing and helpful with information and helped me get the car out on the road for an hour.

After the 3 RWD Test Drive which I enjoyed, I told Jason, I need something that shakes me up a bit so requested him to gimme a call when performance versions are available for Test Drive.

I was pleasantly surprised to get a call from Jason within 2-3 days and he told me they got a couple of brand new Tesla Model Y Performance (Hereafter, will refer to as YP) in stock and he wanted to know if I can keep them overnight to enjoy the full experience. Which BHPian denies such an opportunity? I jumped at it and grabbed it with both hands. LOL!

However, there was a caveat. He said, he can do it only on a Sunday as the rest of the time the vehicles are needed for test drives. So last Sunday, I picked up a lovely YP at around 2:00 pm and spent the whole Sunday (until almost midnight) driving it around various areas like:

Seattle Downtown

This area is like a roller coaster ride. Road goes up and then down. It’s an amazing place to enjoy the city life and also drive the car around.

Snoqualmie Falls and Pass Area

Nice fast freeway (Interstate 90 so the speed limits are higher), plenty of backroads and sweeping mountain roads to get a feeling of how the car performs in terms of acceleration, handling and ride quality.

Area near my home is wooded and has lots of backroads and tight turns

Other aspects of the driving experience which were important are:

  • Parking in my garage (To evaluate if it fits in my smallish garage)
  • Experience charging the car via a Supercharger

With that said, let me share a brief experience of some of the major details of how a Tesla Model Y 2022 drives. There are plenty of reviews and videos on YT so will keep this brief.


Tesla’s are loved, adored and worshipped primarily for their “Instant Acceleration”. Being an EV, there is nothing called turbo lag. There is literally no difference from touching the pedal to the car lurching forward. It happens instantly.

It was a great feeling in Polestar 2 and EV 6. But, Tesla Model Y's performance acceleration is at a completely different level. We are talking of nearly 500 HP with a timed 0-60mph in 3.5 seconds.

When you step on the gas, the car feels like it's launching and takes off with an insane rush and if you are not prepared, it feels like your brain is squished against your skull.

This has to be experienced to know the feeling. It’s one of the key features for which it's bought by everyone.

Steering feel

The steering feels lovely to hold. Coming from a BMW, I would like it to be a little chunkier but, it's still nice. There is tons of feedback from the steering and is extremely direct. Sometimes, I felt the steering was too direct for my liking. Also, the play is fast, accurate and direct.

I mean when you turn the steering even an inch, you know what the front wheels are doing. Well, I think that’s a bit extreme. I would like to turn the steering more before the feedback starts coming in.

Nevertheless, awesome steering feel in Sports mode.

Braking is one of the best feelings in EVs. I drove the car for a little over 250 miles and I may have touched the brake 5-6 times at the most. But, I can tell you they are not that great. Regen braking is more than enough to control your car and bring it down from any insane speeds to a standstill depending on the regen mode used. It may take a little while for new drivers but, once you are used to regenerating braking, it is impossible to go back to normal braking style, it's that good.


When I took the car and was driving it on the freeway and was in ‘Chill Mode”, I felt a little bit of bobbing (like the car is going up and down) but, when I moved to sports mode, the car felt way more planted and stuck to corners pretty good.

I realized later there is no change to suspension from Chill to Sports so it might have been a placebo effect or due to road conditions.

But, handling is extremely good considering the low center of gravity as all battery packs are bang in the middle of the car to give a nice distribution of weight.

Ride quality

It rides on 20” Ubertine Wheels (Love these wheels) with red brake calipers. It feels a little hard if the road conditions are bad which is pretty rare out here.

To put it plainly, it's neither plush nor too harsh. It feels somewhere right in dead-center. I was pleased with this setup.

Build quality

I was keen to know if quality has improved as there is so much talk about panel gaps, sound insulation etc. There were no complaints at all in my TD car on panel gaps which might be for obvious reasons.

Cabin was deathly silent except for that light hissing sound from the battery. My mom who rode with us for a long time enjoyed it so much that she started complaining about my BMW and said it was so noisy and felt dangerous, etc. This car is so quiet and nice. She asked me to buy it ASAP. I told her if she is paying for it, I will for sure. Haha!

Music system

This is one of the best stock music systems I heard in any car to date. My BMW’s H&K feels pedestrian in front of it.

Not sure if it's due to the silent cabin but, I am an amateur audiophile and I know a little bit about music quality (Spent a lot of time and money on ICE during my initial car days). The sound quality and volume level are seriously amazing.

There is a couple of videos with music on so you get a feel of the sound quality. Listen with headphones on. Hope YT does not stop the music or downgrade the bitrate.

Interior space

There is tons of space in YP, both in front and rear. There is no bump in the rear which is dreaded by all of us from ICE cars. I was super impressed with the space in front, and rear and even the boot is humongous.

Panoramic roof

Another biggest USP of Teslas is the amazing single glass pane they use for roofs. It looks surreal and feels like sitting in an aquarium. There is a small portion in one of the videos covering the panoramic roof shot by my wife.


It literally feels like driving a computer. It’s an amazing feeling with so much technology with cameras all around the vehicle warning on various things like Blind Spot, cars in the next lane, cars in front and back. It even shows the traffic lights, traffic cones on the road etc.

Feels like you are smothered with a layer of security. Lol!

Night driving

I was a bit shocked at first as the cabin was pitch dark and I had a tough time adjusting my eyes as there are literally no lights inside the cabin except the 15” IPAD. Haha!

I’m used to a lovely cabin of my BMW with ambient lighting and different color modes. This is absolutely stark in contrast. Light throw and spread is phenomenal lighting up the entire road ahead. No complaints there. I reckon this will take some getting used to.


I have an EV charger at home but, I could not experience it as the wire/adapter was not available in the showroom. Ours is a smaller garage and Y should fit in albeit a little tightly.

Supercharger experience

Next day (Monday), I had to return the car to the showroom so, en route, I stopped at a supercharger and spent 20-25 mins charging the car. I was shocked to know that superchargers can charge the car at 265 miles per hour. Some superchargers do it at an even higher speed (I think up to 500 Miles/hour).

While charging, I spent that time playing a car game to kill the time. It was super fun.


I was shocked to know that a Tesla Model Y Performance in Seattle will come at a landing price of $85,000. One of the primary contributors is the high sales tax in Washington state which is 11% and Tesla removing the $7,500 EV rebate.

Gosh, what is the world coming to? They don’t want us, enthusiasts, to buy these amazing products. This is some real big money for a Tesla and my enthusiasm has taken a serious dip after building the car.

To summarize, it was a brilliant experience and after driving a Tesla, it’s hard to go back to other EVs in the same segment as the pros are simply too many to ignore. No wonder the Teslas are selling like hot cakes and always on back-order with demand being multiple folds than supply.

Driving towards Snoqualmie Falls.

Side Profile of Tesla Model Y Performance @ Snoqualmie Falls, WA.

Side by Side with a Mustang. Mustang looks like a Miata.

Y is a big guy. Will be a tight fit in our garage.

Spacious front seats. I am extremely impressed with the space in the front as passengers can stretch their legs quite far ahead.

You walk into a Y as opposed to falling into a Model 3.

Equally spacious interiors for back seats.

Y getting supercharged at 265 miles/hour.

My first experience charing an Electric Vehicle. It was a simple and lovely feeling.

Charging and listening to my favorite music.

Took the family out for a lovely "Indo-Chinese" meal in the Y. The food here is exactly like how we get in India. Masaledar (Spicy) Indian style Chinese.

Heading out in the morning to return the car with a hot cuppa of coffee to give me company.

Playing a car game while waiting for the car to get supercharged. You can use the steering wheel to play the game and use the brake/accelerator pedal to stop or accelerate.

Technology is amazing. Camera picks out every object on road including those traffic cones.

Comfortable driving position with great visibility.

Live camera comes on each time you switch on the indicator.

Continue reading about mobike008's experience for BHPian comments, insights and more information.



Tesla Model 3 among the top-10 best-selling cars of 2021

The Tesla Model Y is likely to outsell the Model 3 by the end of this year.

According to a recent report, the Tesla Model 3 has entered the global top-10 best-selling car ranking for 2021.

The Model 3 sedan from the American EV brand slotted itself in 9th position, with 5.08 lakh units of global sales. This translates to a 40% growth in sales, allowing it to rise from its 21st position in the previous years. Reports also suggest that the Tesla Model 3 sales are expected to grow further and should hit the top 5 by the end of this year.

Tesla's SUV offering, the Model Y slotted in the 19th position on the same list. However, reports suggest that the Model Y is likely to outsell the Model 3 by the end of this year.

Further on top, the Toyota RAV4 was the best-selling car in 2021. The RAV4 outsold the Corolla to become the first-ever SUV to achieve the top spot. Another popular model, the Ford F-150, seems to have lost out a position, dropping to 7th place with 5.62 lakh units - an 8% fall in sales. On the other hand, the Toyota Hilux pickup has managed to register a 22% growth and slot itself in 8th place.

The Honda CR-V, Nissan Sentra, Toyota Camry, Honda HR-V and Honda Accord complete the top-10 list.

Source: Fiat Group World



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