
Uber updates guidelines; could ban drivers or riders

Uber has updated its community guidelines, which specify what the drivers and riders are banned from doing. Failure to abide by these guidelines can see the user or the driver permanently banned from using the App. Users who are banned or suspended cannot use the Uber App as well as the Uber Eats App.

Riders are not allowed to damage the car, damage driver's or other riders' property, intentionally spill food or drink, smoke, vomit due to excessive alcohol consumption, have any physical contact with the driver or other riders and use inappropriate or abusive language or gestures. Unwanted contact with the driver or other passengers after the trip and breaking the local law while using Uber could also lead to a permanent ban.

Drivers are expected to uphold the quality of driving and are expected to be courteous, professional as well as drive safely. Their cancellation rate should be low, while their acceptance rate should be high. Drivers are also not allowed any physical contact with the riders while unwanted contact with riders after the trip is over and use of inappropriate/abusive language and gestures would get them banned for good. Further, they should not break the local laws and are expected to give accurate information (while joining Uber) and are not allowed anonymous pickups like street hails.

Additionally, drivers and riders are not allowed to carry firearms, use alcohol or drugs during the trip, discriminate against drivers or other riders, threaten the safety of drivers or riders, or commit fraud against Uber. Drivers and riders can also lose access to Uber if their average star rating falls below a minimum rating. The average rating will be taken from the last 500 trips.

Power to the people