
Lotus director Uday Senapati banned from driving for DUI

According to a media report, a director in sportscar maker Lotus has been banned from driving a car for a year after admitting for drunk-driving.

Uday Senapati, 40, was stopped on February 15, 2019 by the police as he was attempting to drive his car into a parking area. He was arrested and a breath sample was taken. He was later taken to the Wymondham police station where the alcohol level in his blood was nearly twice over the legal limit.

It is reported that Senapati decided to move his car to avoid a parking ticket, before taking a taxi home. He was also charged GBP 1,850 as fine and GBP 85 and GBP 170 as costs and victim surcharge respectively.

Senapati is the product strategy director at Lotus and is responsible for signing off new products. In January 2018, former Lotus executive Jean-Marc Gales was banned from driving from 30 days after being caught speeding in a new car at 164 km/h on a public highway.

Source: BBC

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