
China: Social credit system bars travel for unpaid fines

According to a media report, under the controversial social credit system, the Chinese government is now preventing offenders from buying airline tickets as well as train tickets. Travelers were blocked from buying airline tickets 17.5 million times last year while 5.5 million attempts at buying train tickets were blocked. It is also reported that 128 people were not allowed to leave the country due to unpaid taxes.

In the social credit system, points are deducted for breaking the law. These include false advertising or violating drug safety rules as well as minor offences like walking a dog without a leash. Offenders were blocked 2,90,000 times from taking up senior management jobs or acting as a company's legal representative.

The ruling party claims that the system will improve order. It is a part of the government's efforts to tighten control using technology like data processing, genetic sequencing and artificial intelligence amongst others. It is reported that since the system came in place, 3.5 million people have voluntarily fulfilled legal obligations, including 37 people who paid a total of US$ 22 million in overdue fines.

By 2020, the government is looking to introduce a nationwide system with possible penalties like restrictions on travel, business and access to education. Companies on the blacklist can also lose government contracts, access to bank loans and get barred from issuing bonds or importing goods.

Source: Associated Press

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