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Old 19th May 2016, 23:43   #1
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The 'Garage dilemma' thread : Buy / sell / keep / shuffle my cars

This is mostly a heart vs mind scenario and many of you could term myself foolish. But on top of it, if you could chip in with some logical thoughts, I would be grateful and may become less foolish.

We have a VW Vento Comfortline diesel run just 16000 kms from 2013 and a Nissan Micra XV Premium diesel run 25k also from 2013. Both of them together has run 41k kms in 3 years which come to an average usage of ~12k kms per year. And since dad is no more with us, we do not need both cars in the garage. Though I might answer my own questions in the following paragraphs, I will put out some scenarios and would like you to help me take a better decision.

The 'Garage dilemma' thread : Buy / sell / keep / shuffle my cars-img_5150.jpg

Majority of our running is inside the town with mostly bumper to bumper traffic and then there will be the rare occasional highway trips. So a sedan is really not the need of the hour and especially because the one we have is a VW, I have a fear how it will fare in the future.

If we sell the Micra it might fetch us say 4 lacs, and if it is the Vento to go we might be richer by say 6 lacs and that is huge money for us especially when the family's income is a bit skewed at present and will be for another couple of years. So we cannot think of getting anything beyond the budget of these cars sold together. But since we have already got a very good and solid build car in the form of Vento and we might never be able to lay hands on one such in the near future, it is a bit hard to let it go for peanuts. The Vento costed us 10.5 lacs then. Do you all suggest that I should never leave such a good car and that my fear of VW's future service costs is just a fear.

Though the Micra is the best car to do B2B inside the city, the NVH is plain pathetic and so is the rear space, that I am embarrassed to invite anyone for a drive along with. This is where I have been thinking of replacing the Micra (after selling the Vento too) with another hatch but that would leave us with just 2.5 lacs in hand (6+4-7.5), which might be just manageable I am not sure even. The Micra is a full option and I the new car I cannot afford another full option, but I think I can live with the lesser options.

The 'Garage dilemma' thread : Buy / sell / keep / shuffle my cars-img_4776.jpg

So it all boils down to
a) keep the Vento and sell Micra and struggle to find a parking space in the city
b) keep Micra and sell Vento and live with the crappy NVH
c) sell both and buy a new hatch but make an informed buy and have no regrets for another 7-8 years

Whatever be your advises on the above, I would very much be enlightened on how the new Figo and the Swift fare against the Micra in 1) build quality including rattles 2) fuel efficiency 3) maintenance cost and 4) comfortable ride including air conditioning and NVH. Leaving apart the monetary part and the full options part, is it foolishness to buy a Figo or Swift in lieu of the Micra? Will the Figo and Swift be the same like a Micra?

P.S: I just cant stand petrols and am too addicted to the torquey diesels. So I have/am to be ready to pump out the difference in cost in petrol vs diesel.

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Old 20th May 2016, 00:05   #2
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

Considering the points, I would definitely look at the Figo.

I dont see much to gain by keeping the noisy, cramped Micra. But if you were to retain one, then just give up the Micra & continue with the VW. This would last you well, and the pain of parking is only when finding the spot.
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Old 20th May 2016, 00:05   #3
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Dilemma in keeping one or selling both cars in the garage

I'm no expert, but I'd keep the Vento, sell the Micra and see if there's additional warranty etc available on the Vento to keep its costs in check.
Other than the given options, I've had a chance to drive both the cars. You can't go wrong with the Swift, knowing it's a Maruti it's very reliable and a hassle free car altogether. Hands down the Swift, for built maybe Ford but always I'd be concerned with ASS and Swift isn't as bad in my opinion (maybe cause I've had my Dzire for 8 years now and it's trouble free till date)
NVH isn't a hassle on either cars I found them to be decent.

P.S: Swift for the cheap maintenance, have no much idea on the costs of a Ford

Last edited by GranvilleDsouza : 20th May 2016 at 00:22.
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Old 20th May 2016, 00:17   #4
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

Keep both cars. The Micra is a good city runabout and the Vento is a brilliant highway runner. You have a good combination in both of them.

If you sell both you can buy one hatch or a compact SUV like Brezza.

The Swift is too old in the tooth now. The new Figo is a brilliant option with the 100PS diesel mill and 6 airbags in the top end spec.

If you can't be with 2 cars then sell both and get the Figo or Vitara Brezza or just keep both.
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Old 20th May 2016, 00:21   #5
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

By selling both and buying another you would lose lot of money as your cars are hardly old.

Since the matter is lot more financial, sell the one which fetches you better value.

As you already have assets, why not lease one of your car (say Vento) and earn?
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Old 20th May 2016, 00:23   #6
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

I would sell the Micra and retain the Vento. Do look at the option of getting additional warranty/service package for the Vento to cover for next 3 years.
So you will now have the money from the Micra sale in your bank and can think of getting rid of the Vento after 3 or more years depending on how it fares then.

Plan B:
Alternately, I would sell both the Micra and Vento and get a Figo or Swift.
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Old 20th May 2016, 00:54   #7
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

My suggestion although opposite of everyone else's and completely against an enthusiast's POV, would be to sell the Vento and keep the Micra. The Micra is a potent city car and is fairly good IMO the car is supremely reliable as well and should do well for you in the long run. If finances are a bit skewed, I would suggest waiting it out. Drive the Micra for a couple of years or even 3 years and see what your finances are like down the line. Splurge when you are confidently in a position to do so, else hold back and wait for the tides to turn in your favour
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Old 20th May 2016, 03:22   #8
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

Considering the below:-

1.Both cars (Vento and Micra) have ~1000 km running per month.
2.Mainly in city driving (mostly bumper to bumper traffic)
3.Addicted to the torquey diesels (petrol out of question)

You wont get a top model of any good hatchback below 7.5L (Swift ZDI OTR is 8.5L @Thiruvananthapuram) so selling both cars and buying a new would mean adding more money to buy a new car.

Both Cars are 3years old and assuming they are maintained well - can serve another 3-4 years, selling them now results in taking a major hit financially as both the cars have low resale value "Vento + Micra" 2013 Vs 2016 (10.5+7.5=18)-(6+4=10)=8L lost in 3years of ownership.

I would recommend keeping Micra (which is very comfortable to drive in city), selling Vento will get 6L to your pocket, even if you keep the money in FD - you would earn at least 3.75k per month (considering 7.5%pa interest rate) which is equivalent to your fuel bills (considering 1000km run,15km/liter as city average, 56Rs/liter = 1000/15*56= Rs3733), with this calculation you drive without any additional expenses
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Old 20th May 2016, 05:36   #9
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Originally Posted by IPathan View Post
I would recommend keeping Micra (which is very comfortable to drive in city), selling Vento will get 6L to your pocket, even if you keep the money in FD - you would earn at least 3.75k per month (considering 7.5%pa interest rate) which is equivalent to your fuel bills (considering 1000km run,15km/liter as city average, 56Rs/liter = 1000/15*56= Rs3733), with this calculation you drive without any additional expenses

In addition to above suggestion, you can reduce NVH levels in your Micra by around 50% by installing sound deadening mats such as Dampmat in all the required areas, which will address the NVH problem and will also make your occasional highway trips much more relaxed.
The only minor concern that will remain is to let your friends bear the cramped rear seat space in the Micra! 😀
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Old 20th May 2016, 05:48   #10
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

Thanks a lot all.

Here is my short take on the Figo vs Swift vs Micra and felt the Figo not so great on build quality. Does anyone feel it will be foolish to buy the Figo ditching the Micra, on the basis of build quality?

The above post has the Figo service costs. Comes to just 4.5k per year (or 10k kms) and it's Ford's promise. Whereas, I have to take the Micra twice a year for service and costs come to ~14k a year! Anybody please guide me on the exact service cost of the Swift D.

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Keep both cars. The Micra is a good city runabout and the Vento is a brilliant highway runner.

The Swift is too old in the tooth now. The new Figo is a brilliant option with the 100PS diesel mill and 6 airbags in the top end spec.
Insurance, maintenance costs and depreciation keep on adding without actual usage. So I think it is better not to keep both.

The most highlighted point I heard from the Swift's SE is of it's resale value. I usually do not go by resale, but now I am hit by the same because I had to give in to dad's choice when we bought the cars.

Will the Figo and most importantly Ford in India last another 7-8 years?

Originally Posted by IPathan View Post
Both Cars are 3years old and assuming they are maintained well - can serve another 3-4 years, selling them now results in taking a major hit financially as both the cars have low resale value "Vento + Micra" 2013 Vs 2016 (10.5+7.5=18)-(6+4=10)=8L lost in 3years of ownership.
Very true this. I'll be taking a huge hit in getting a new car just after 3 years. Both together costed me 18L and now if I'm in for a new one, I can save just around 2-2.5L only. But if at all I go for a new one, I intend to keep it long term and though I'm not concerned about its' resale value I should be concerned about the maintenance.

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Do look at the option of getting additional warranty/service package for the Vento to cover for next 3 years.
Does VW offer extended warranty even after (2+2) 4 years? Anybody else?
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Old 20th May 2016, 06:11   #11
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Originally Posted by thoma View Post
Anybody please guide me on the exact service cost of the Swift D.
Hey buddy, for service related or any information on the Swift D, you can go through my thread. Has everything since Day 1.

Per service on an average I get a bill of 7-9K. For me the gap between two services is 3 months (Service interval is every 10K kms). Your usage being low won't be an issue. I am not complaining either.
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Old 20th May 2016, 07:13   #12
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

.. Does anyone feel it will be foolish to buy the Figo ditching the Micra, on the basis of build quality?
This implies that both cars will be sold to get the Figo. Doing this will mean taking a hit on both the cars.

Rather than taking a hit on both cars, AND paying for a new one, I will say give up the Micra. If the Micra is good in city, then the same can be covered with public transport when required. At all other times, the VW is there.

I dont think a 50% reduction in NVH is possible.

Regarding the Swift, I am not suggesting that for the very reason that Vidyut mentioned. Though a nice car, it's way too long in it's life to for it now, esp as a replacement for both these cars.

However, if you still feel not so positively about the long term aspects of a VW car, then - yes, the Figo.

Last edited by condor : 20th May 2016 at 07:14.
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Old 20th May 2016, 09:06   #13
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

In my opinion selling the Vento would be a more practical as well as an economical decision.
Completely agree on the part that selling the Vento which looks in mint condition amd has barely 16k kms on the odo would be heart breaking. But you shouldn't neglect the facts that in case of a future breakdown or accident its maintenance/repair costs will be equally high as well.
The Micra is still a decent hatchback one could live with. Going for another hatch (Swift/Figo) wouldn't be that sensible as both of them have more or less same rear seat space as your Micra. The Swift being the more terrible one when it comes to rear seat space. Quality and safety wise they are no better than your Micra.

If you are still tempted to sell the Micra and Vento both i think you should go for VW Polo. It will be an excellent replacement to both your cars and will offer the best of both. ie- Easy to drive/park like the Micra and good rear seat space and German build quality of the Vento.
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Old 20th May 2016, 09:17   #14
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

I would advise you to keep the car which has the highest safety equipments even if it means pain driving in the city conditions and parking issues. If you are determined to sell both the cars, then spending an additional 2.5L for a new hatch does not make sense. You might want to go for a pre owned for a couple of years before the financial stability is achieved. After which a new car makes sense.

Between your choice for a new car, I would suggest for Ford Figo. This will keep your maintenance costs also in check. You can also think of Tata Tiago, Hyundai Grand i10 also before making an informed decision.
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Old 20th May 2016, 09:23   #15
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re: Garage dilemma: Retain one car, or sell both & buy a replacement?

Originally Posted by thoma View Post

The above post has the Figo service costs. Comes to just 4.5k per year (or 10k kms) and it's Ford's promise. Whereas, I have to take the Micra twice a year for service and costs come to ~14k a year! Anybody please guide me on the exact service cost of the Swift D.

Insurance, maintenance costs and depreciation keep on adding without actual usage. So I think it is better not to keep both.

The most highlighted point I heard from the Swift's SE is of it's resale value. I usually do not go by resale, but now I am hit by the same because I had to give in to dad's choice when we bought the cars.
Some simple maths. Due to financial reasons you can only keep one car not both.

If you sell both cars and get one car, you will not get much net benefit. Your Vento may fetch around 5-6L and the Micra around 3-4. You may get anywhere between 8-9 lakhs total. A new Swift or Figo are 8-9 lakhs itself. Therefore with this transaction you are not getting any money back.

You will save on maintenance for the first few years but that amount will not be much. You lose more on depreciation whether it be Swift or Figo. Top it off the depreciation loss on Vento and Micra.

Ford service will be 5K per year year vs 14K for the Micra. You also have to remember Ford will have a higher insurance rate being a newer car. Even higher insurance than Vento.

If you want money in your pocket at this time the maths is simple. Don't buy a new car. Sell any one car depending on how much money you need. If you need the additional cash, sell the Vento else sell the Micra and keep the Vento.

Selling the Micra and getting 3-4 lakhs cash will anyday be better than selling both cars and buying a new one then saving 10-15K on maintenance.

Sell the Vento and you get 5-6 lakhs in hand. The Micra's 14K in service is peanuts considering you have got 5-6 lakhs cash now available.
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