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Old 10th March 2006, 14:05   #16
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The Jeep brand was held by Willys-Overland until 1953
and then by Kaiser Motors until 1970
then by American Motor. Corp. (AMC) until 1984
then by Chrysler Corp. until 1998.
Today it is owned by DaimlerChrysler.

The Jeep in the picture is an early 1960s Kaiser CJ-5.
CJ stands for Civilian Jeep. The 2-wheel drive version was called DJ-5

The long-wheelbase version was called CJ-6 and DJ-6. You can see CJ-6s in the movie "Hatari".

While most Jeeps of this period were available with a floor shift-lever
there was also a luxury version called the Willys CJ-5A Tuxedo-Park which had a column shift-lever. The column-shift was called "remote" gear-lever.

They were based on the military 1953 Willys MD-M38A1 which was used in the USA-Korean War. This used a 24-Volt system.

Note the lack of reflector/sidemarker lamps in the front fenders in the green Jeep. The sidemarker lamps came after 1972.

The CJ-5 in the picture has the fuel tank under the driver's seat. That was discontinued when Kaiser-Willys sold out to American Motors Corp. in 1970.
The sculpted dip above the rear-wheel arch was meant to accomodate folding bows for a folding soft-top.

So, the green Mahabaleshwar Jeep is a model between 1955 and 1969.

Until 1969, Willys had only 2 engines.
The 72 bhp 2.5 litre "Hurricane" F-head 4-cylinder and the
155 bhp 3.7 litre Buick "Dauntless" V-6 which was available as an option from 1965 to 1969.

I remember that in the sixties, UNICEF gifted India a lot of white-painted 4-cylinder CJ-5s.
So this green Jeep is most likely a repainted UNICEF-gifted 4-cylinder Jeep.

The wheels are also not original. They're from a FC-150/180 forward control Jeep.

Mahindra's first CJ-5 lookalike, the MM540 came out twenty-years later in 1986. It still uses the Dana 44 differentials. But it is heavier, with a longer wheelbase, and powered by a much weaker 62-bhp 2112 cc Peugeot XDP-4.90 diesel. The MM-540 sheel-metalwork was stamped out of Japanese Fuji dies.

In 1972, American Motors stretched the frame and bonnet to fit a
3.8 litre straight-six engine. The Jeep in the picture has an unstretched frame meant for the 4-cylinder.

As an offtopic note, I learned to drive on a flathead 1952 Willys CJ-3A, at the age of (will you believe it?) nine at Betul, MP!
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Old 10th March 2006, 14:17   #17
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Ram: That's a great deail. Looks like you have done a Ph.D. on Jeep....
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Old 10th March 2006, 14:19   #18
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WOW Ram.... do you have a jeep fetish or something?! Thats some info you've given there man!


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Old 10th March 2006, 19:15   #19
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ram u rule jeeps...u are amazing...probably no one collects so much information unless u are obsessed...hey mods shouldnt there be a member community like gods ( off topic)

aadix a jeep for me i went to anil motors but did not get a look at willlys ...was pissed off to know it was lhdrive...arent there any willys owners....i found a mahindra jeep ...the guy says its got its engine changed ..84 model and what sucks is that is yellow in color..might be used for campaigning..dunno still i want willys,,,,i am crying for i am having a headache in finding one ....shall i get commited for the lhd please tell me guys........
mostly will make up my mind tomorrow...zulfikhar bhai i am waiting a review of your willyss...

SIR ram can you provide me more information about the willys..are they cheap to maintain
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Old 10th March 2006, 22:59   #20
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Dude this kind of jeeps you'll fine in loads in BHOPAL.
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Old 11th March 2006, 07:43   #21
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Originally Posted by trinadha
ram u rule jeeps...u are amazing...probably no one collects so much information unless u are obsessed...hey mods shouldnt there be a member community like gods ( off topic)

SIR ram can you provide me more information about the willys..are they cheap to maintain
Most of the Jeeps found in India are simple and reasonably easy to maintain. Jeep parts are generally long-lived, but I would advise you to do simple maintenance (regular oil-changes, cleaning diesel filter pots, etc.,.) yourself. It's easy to learn!

The Mahindra CJ-340 Classic is very close to the original Jeep CJ-3B.
Same body tub, same ladder chassis and many interchangeable parts.
The CJ-3Bs 3-speed T-90 transmission is replaced by a 4-speed gearbox from Kia of Korea.

Let me take a moment to pay tribute to the two-lever transfer case.
Everyone must have noticed the big gear lever and the two little transfer levers in a 4x4 Willys/Kaiser/Mahindra Jeep.

Yes, the same Spicer-18 two-lever transfer-case was used by all Jeep CJ vehicles from 1945 to 1971.It gives a reduction ratio of 2.46:1 in low-ratio. (the little stick pushed all the way forward, multiplies torque of all forward and reverse gears by 2.46!)

This solid transfer case, still soldiers on in our Mahindra 4x4s to this day.
It is heavily made and driven by gears, not chains and invariably outlives the engine and gearbox that feeds it. It is rugged enough to handle the torque put out by the V8 engines put into old Jeeps by Californian Jeepers.

[There's a whole aftermarket in California for people who modify old Jeeps from 1945 to the present-- even a company called Advance Adapters, who make bell housings to match any engine to the Jeep gearbox!!!)]

The Spicer-18 hardly needs any maintenance, other than periodic oil-changes. And even when it needs any work, it's so mechanic-friendly; the intermediate shaft, intermediate gear, thrust washers, and bearings are all serviceable through the inspection cover on the bottom of the case. You don't even have to take the box out of the Jeep! How's that for simplicity?

Mahindras have the same front and rear drive axles Dana 44s withn 4.27:1 for petrol Jeeps, 4.88:1 for MM-540s and 5.38:1 for all heavy cargo carrying Mahindra products (Commanders, etc). You'll find a little metal tag around one of the differential cover bolts indication the differential ratio.

BTW: modders can import cute shiny stainless-steel differential covers for the front and rear axles, stainless steel bonnet clamps, windshield hinges, and windshield clamps for the folding windshield [Nothing like folding the windshield down onto the bonnet, putting on a helmet and with four-point safety belts, you can take on 45% inclines in a CJ-3B!!])

You must know that Mahindra 4x4s consume huge gobs of 90W lubricating oils (two differentials, gearbox, transfer case (optional power-takeoff (PTO) winch), but are virtually bullet-proof.
And needless to say, you can only prolong the life of any diesel engine by regular oil changes and filter changes.
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Old 11th March 2006, 10:26   #22
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American Kaiser CJ5 or M38A1

Originally Posted by khanak
Hey I spotted this Jeep Willy's Jeep at Mahabaleshwar at a pump

Thats quite an interesting find.
The CJ5 series CJ5 & CJ6 arrived in India through US Aid in the 60s
The M38A1 - Is the Military Version some were used by the Indian Army
most were captured from Pak Army during the 1971 War.
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Old 11th March 2006, 15:20   #23
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Originally Posted by trinadha
guys wnated to do something in the retro week ,and was fascinated by a newspaper ad willys for sale 45k.I felt it was cheap...and cheaper than a bike ,but tell me more about the maintance.....and mainly engine (diesel/petrol) , i logged onto a site which gives ads and its is publicity in eenadu classifieds. ...funny but i found what i wanted two willys for sale both 1944 ,both greenn(lovely color)..
are they cheap in maintatnce.will cover up adventure tomorow with photos,and is the 15 year old vehicle rule still valid in india.
guys please tell me
and are there any willys owners amongst us??????? user review for the car please ,
i have a willys anti tank gun carrier. mine has the grill and bonette of the mahindra's. both the companies had a tie up and the cars would come without the bonette and grills. the parts are not expensive atall and easy to maintain. some parts of the mahindras and other cars also fit incase you cant find them. yes the 15yr rule applies for any vintage and classic car, but there is nothing to worry about it is all taken care of by the agent at the rto. even the officers are understanding and dont make a fuss
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Old 13th March 2006, 00:47   #24
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Thanked: 22 Times post pretty long long two main parts and i am sure to get many replies ...\
gto ,ram,speedie,zulfikar u are gonna have company my recent obsession for jeeps is going big and this time its my turn to rock mechanic took me to some deccan motors ameerpet(hyd of course).This was a decent consultancy which had good number of customers through the dc ads...and the best part is the guys father(did not meet him) is crazy about jeeps...hes got three well maintained willys great condition .one is gonna get u all crazy will post their pics tomorow (didnt take my phone along...).all three were willys green..
ONE was three speed it had a first aid box on the bonnet and a crow bar on the side looked damn sexy
the other two look alikes and all three were m&m engined(wish originality was there

will give more details when i meet this guys father
part 2
many of may be busy watching the cricket match but when i was browsing through the channels saw this beauty ...didnt see it from starting but look at its specs...10speed 5 front 5 back...waterproofed engine and what not every jeep fans dream (dunno its name)
anti theft alarm can be driven in water...and tachos are all waterproof.wooden flooring....and each part has its own id number so that if write to the company they will send the parts to us..even the bolts...&theft alarm pretty effective (better than anything)top speed 90mph...goodnees cars
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Old 13th March 2006, 00:50   #25
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owner on the left the host of some show of course on right

this showing the submarine type of dials (waterproof ..and the sift rod which u can use to shift from 5 front to 5 back)

Last edited by trinadha : 13th March 2006 at 00:59.
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Old 13th March 2006, 01:03   #26
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id ...if u send the number and cash the company it seems will send the parts cool ..shouldnt some comapny learn from this(opel)

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Old 13th March 2006, 01:09   #27
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look at this ,,if anyone steals the jeep the alrm (horn)goes off coz of this bell sort of arrangement when ever jeep vibrates coz of engine running...forget the person sho tries to steal it...wonder y dont the autocop work out better..OLD IS GOLD

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Old 13th March 2006, 01:14   #28
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pointing out to the wooden flooring..water seeps out easily without anything left back guys tell me the name of this many of u fell in love with along with this mermaid..err it may be a shark looking at its bonnet
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Old 13th March 2006, 09:07   #29
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sorry i typed the stuff in some nonsense way...when a person steals the jeep coz of vibrations the alarm goes off(horn in this case) very effective right
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Old 13th March 2006, 09:51   #30
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Austin Champ

Originally Posted by trinadha
owner on the left the host of some show of course on right

this showing the submarine type of dials (waterproof ..and the sift rod which u can use to shift from 5 front to 5 back)
The pics above are of an AUSTIN CHAMP ......its a JEEP in the Broad sense of the word.............but the real underwater JEEPs were
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