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Old 27th March 2009, 16:41   #271
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Originally Posted by scooby05 View Post
John, Thats one clean 123! What series is she 240D or 300D? Is she in original paint? I am interested please. How do you want me to go about it?
Some side and back snaps would be appreciated. Can you share the name and address of the garage?
Very very clean car indeed. Judging by the twin round head lamps, the car would be a 1976-77 to 1982. Somewhere around 83-84 these twin round lamps gave way to twin rectangular ones. The car certainly looks neat. In those days, the popular cars were 200D, 220D 240D and in 1982 came the 300D a five cyl design which took the merc diesel cars to a new level of power and finesse.

Scooby boss go for it. There are very few examples left of these old (1977-1982) W123s around but be careful, many of these cars did not have power steering and even air conditioners (if coming from the UK). If it has all these plus an auto box, its the ideal car to have.
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Old 27th March 2009, 17:15   #272
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Originally Posted by V-16 View Post
Very very clean car indeed. Judging by the twin round head lamps, the car would be a 1976-77 to 1982. Somewhere around 83-84 these twin round lamps gave way to twin rectangular ones. The car certainly looks neat. In those days, the popular cars were 200D, 220D 240D and in 1982 came the 300D a five cyl design which took the merc diesel cars to a new level of power and finesse.

Scooby boss go for it. There are very few examples left of these old (1977-1982) W123s around but be careful, many of these cars did not have power steering and even air conditioners (if coming from the UK). If it has all these plus an auto box, its the ideal car to have.
Raja, if the colour is original then should be a '81 onwards. neway a clean piece. Looks petrol somehow, if its a 200 and after '81 then she has a fantastic engine, better than the 220 and 230 engines[we had a 200 '81 bought from stc in '84 and she was too good, used her for 3 years. How i wish she is a 250 or 280 petrol in line 6!
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Old 27th March 2009, 19:39   #273
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I stopped by late this afternoon and the boss was gone and the car covered.
Will try tomorrow to take more photos.

I did see a nice 1952ish Dodge parked close by.
I have posted the pics here :

Last edited by Rehaan : 29th March 2009 at 17:32. Reason: Post split to relevant threads.
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Old 30th March 2009, 11:55   #274
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Spoke to the guy it is a petrol and not for sale, he is only storing it for the owner and it is a repaint great looking car W123
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Old 29th April 2009, 14:25   #275
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Well one more car pics and history from my side.

This is a 1934 Mercedes Benz 130 H. This car has an interesting history behind it which i have mentioned in another thread the link to that is

i would also put the same details here -
Well this car is owned by an uncle of mine.He had bought this car sometimes in the 70s-80s and when he went to buy this car he saw that there was another car same model but a convertible which was not for sale.Then that car (convertible) went missing.Anyway then he brought this car to my father's place to restore and then this car was painted turquoise and white.Then this car was running.After that one year when this car was taken for the Calcutta vintage car rally and my uncle,the owner of the car poured cold water on the engine and the head split into two.then he got the head repaired by someone else locally but it did not last.After whcih he brought the car back to my father again.After 5years he was very lucky and got another head from the scrap market in calcutta along with more spares.Since there was no other car known except these two cars as in the one in the picture and the convertable,it is believed that the other car bad been cut.Then this car had been done up again before this year's calcutta tolly car show.One day before the tolly show the car was been driven from my father's place to my uncle's house the engine bearing got ciezed.The car did not make it to the tolly car show.The following sunday was the Statesman rally for which my father had promised to get the car back on the road.He went and saw that the engine bearing had siezed so he changed it and then drove it everyday that whole week for about 50-60kms everyday.This car was then driven by my father to the statesman vintage car rally and it won the prize for best on the road section.

Hope that is enough if you want to know anything more please do let me know.

Thank you

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Old 29th April 2009, 14:32   #276
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This is my 1930 Mercedes Benz Stuttgard Special Version. It is a very rare car since only two have been manufactured one being with us an the other being with some one in Argentina.

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Old 1st May 2009, 03:49   #277
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Originally Posted by Dussey View Post
Hi folks,
Greetings for a fantastic 2009 !
Here's a peek on my 1938 170V,undergoing restoration. The restoration is in the final stages, shall post detailed pictures shortly when the restoration is complete.
Hi there!, The steering wheel is interesting,if you ever find the correct version I would be interested in buyin the one in the picture from you.

Originally Posted by Alvis View Post
Finally traced the Coupe pictures.
The first two are as she was about 12-15 years ago. At least she was restorable, but the later two pictures are about six months old.
It will be a brave soul who will be able to spot a ponton Coupe in the stack of rubbish, but believe me it is there.

What a sad end to a lovely automobile.
Would it be for sale ? my neighbour has just been commisioned to restore one of the same model and needs a bonnet,back axle drive shaft and as much trim as he can find. Email me direct if you are able to assist.

other wise he is going to have to buy a complete ponton and dismantle it for parts,a bad proposition I am affraid.

Last edited by v12 : 1st May 2009 at 11:40.
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Old 1st May 2009, 04:23   #278
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Originally Posted by karlosdeville View Post
Not looking like, but definitely is.
Here is a real one,The owner lives in the phillipnes and has owned this lovely since it was almost new. He had the car shipped from England to Australia a coiuple of years ago when he wanted to retire here. Unfortunately the Australian Government said he was too old ,hence the move to the Phillipnes. He has to sell the car because Storage is too expensive . It has done 78,000 miles from new,has a full service history and is stunning.i would buy it myself but with several mercedes of my own i too cannot afford to store it.
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Old 1st May 2009, 14:36   #279
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Originally Posted by vcash View Post
I was doing some spring cleaning in our home study and came across a file with some interesting owner manuals - One is for a 600 Grosser and the other for a 219. Also included were a workshop service manual and historical literature along with a visitors pass.

Now IIRC, these were given to us a long time ago by someone who worked at TELCO whose responsibility was to service and maintain their fleet of mercs. This begs the question - Did the Tata's ever have a 600? I will do some further digging on this. They had a 219 for sure which was offered to my father in the 80's for 30K but we did not buy it decision that seems silly in retrospect.)

For now, here are the pictures:
I have a large collection of mercedes Manuals which i use on a daily basis for my work,Starting from the Ponton models of 1957 through to the 6.3 of 1972. Everything Else i have is on Microfische such as the 6.9 chassis and all the transmission manuals.
I have not,however seen a body manual with contents like that before,expecially the photo that is secured to a wall so that the special tools can be arranged properly.
I have several friends across the world who run mercedes Workshops and none have this either. I would love a scan of that page so I can blow it up for my own use.
I have most of the supplement updates for the manuals so if anyone needs a specific peice of information feel free to contact me for a scan of a I won't do a complete manual afterall some of these are over 1000 pages but i have sufficient experience and knowledge of the older mercedes(PRE 1990) to help most owners.
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Old 10th May 2009, 09:36   #280
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Hundreds of W123 taxis even today

Originally Posted by scooby05 View Post
Raja, if the colour is original then should be a '81 onwards. neway a clean piece. Looks petrol somehow, if its a 200 and after '81 then she has a fantastic engine, better than the 220 and 230 engines[we had a 200 '81 bought from stc in '84 and she was too good, used her for 3 years. How i wish she is a 250 or 280 petrol in line 6!
Morocco is full of these taxicabs. A makeshift taxi stand by the beach.

Vintage & Classic Mercedes Benz Cars in India-w123sinceuta.jpg

These light blue and dark blue W123 taxis belong to the autonomous Spanish city of Ceuta (claimed by Morocco) in North Africa, south of the Strait of Gibraltar.

The roundabout has a road that goes south into the Tétouan region (N. Morocco). Another road goes west to Tangier, the capital of Tétouan.
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Old 11th May 2009, 14:14   #281
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Merc Waterpumps

ANY BODY WANTs NEW WATERPUMP ASSY FOR MERC 190 Pls contact 09821233976

Last edited by Rehaan : 15th May 2009 at 17:07. Reason: Infraction has already been delivered - but please do read our rules on commercial activity.
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Old 13th May 2009, 16:13   #282
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I don't know if this youngtimer belongs here, but its for sure a fast vanishing breed, not many of them around.
A nice pocket rocket...1989 Model 190E/2.6 LHD,American import,(replaced the headlights) fully loaded.
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Old 13th May 2009, 17:00   #283
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is this the same 190 which belonged to Sam i think it is KL4 Redg.I think you have done some job on it to bring to the level I see in the picture.
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Old 13th May 2009, 18:44   #284
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Nice car in an equally nice condition. My personal favourite these first generation 190 cars.

Hard to find one in this shape anywhere these days.
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Old 14th May 2009, 15:34   #285
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Can i post the pictures of my 1984 W126 280 S in this forum ??? ...
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